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If you're not getting results in the gym, stop doing these things

While getting fit isn't something that happens overnight, you can do some prep work the night before and avoid certain habits. This will make all the difference if you go to the gym and don't see the results you want. We all know that we make a conscious effort to eat well and exercise regularly, but our bodies do not change for the better. Here are the things you should stop doing if you want to get fit:

Set the alarm clock way too early Your body needs at least seven to nine hours of sleep per night. So if you're hopping into bed at midnight and still plan on taking a spinning class at 6am, it's time to rethink your sleep and exercise schedule. The fact that you're not getting enough sleep may even be the reason you feel like you can't lose weight or see results. During our sleep we are best able to recover muscle mass and build muscle from our workouts. Decreased sleep can mean that your body is not responding as quickly to exercise and that you are not seeing the results you have worked so hard for. Especially if you exercise regularly, you should make sleep a priority – even if it means skipping an early workout.

Eating too late Workaholics know this scenario all too well – by the time you get home from work, then hit the gym quickly, and then go home to take a shower, it's almost time to go to bed. But you're starving because you haven't eaten since lunch, which was at least eight hours ago. That leaves only a few options:
You cook a healthy meal once you get home, making your dinner even later
You get a quick takeaway, which isn't always the healthiest option
You eat a lot of weird snacks like cookies, leftovers, etc. until it's time to go to bed that makes you feel hungry and unsatisfied

Nothing is right, but don't worry, there is a solution. Remember this:you should eat at least two hours before going to bed. If you do this later, your body's circadian rhythms will not go well. Those circadian rhythms are a biological process that affects much more than our sleep patterns — they control our hunger levels, hormone release, bodily functions, mood, and body weight. Yes, definitely not something you want to mess with.

Or you don't eat at all
But that doesn't mean you should go to bed hungry. Skipping dinner never works the way you want it to; either you wake up starving the next day, or you get hungry before going to sleep and eat something unhealthy. If you know it's going to be a late night, try splitting your dinner into two smaller, protein-rich meals:one that you can eat at your desk in the office, and one that you can eat quickly as soon as you get home. That way you won't go to bed completely full, but you'll get enough calories and macronutrients to recharge.

Exercise too close to bedtime
Usually people know what their optimal training time is. Some have absolutely no problem doing a cardio class early in the morning before work, while others do their daily sweat session after work. Late night workouts make you tired and help you fall asleep faster, but some find that the endorphin release caused by a sweat session keeps them up even at night.

Drinking alcohol before going to bed
Don't get us wrong – we enjoy a glass of wine or a healthy cocktail just as much after a long day at work. But drinking a lot of glasses of alcohol hinders your ability to get a good night's sleep...and it's full of sugar. If you're trying to get in shape, having a few drinks will add extra empty calories you don't need. Drink one or two glasses in the early evening.

Leave the TV on while you fall asleep
Accidentally falling asleep in front of the television happens – we get it. But if you rely on the background noise or light to doze off, it could do you more harm than good. Our circadian rhythms get their signals from natural light sources, such as when the sun rises in the morning and sets at night. Unfortunately, our bodies are easily confused by unnatural light sources like the computer or television… which messes with our circadian rhythms. Research shows that unnatural light cycles have serious consequences for our sleep habits and overall health – and can even increase the risk of depression.

Reply to business emails
Turn off your phone when you get home from work for two reasons. First, checking that blue screen all night can keep you from falling asleep. Second, it certainly won't help you relax and de-stress, which is essential for a good night's sleep.