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The 7 Secrets of People Who Are Always Happy.

The 7 Secrets of People Who Are Always Happy.

What are some things that happy people do differently?

Of course, the definition of happiness varies with each individual.

But that's not to say that we have nothing to learn from the happiness of others.

And surprisingly, in life, it's often the little, simple things that can bring us the most happiness.

But then, what are the little things that make us happy?

Several studies have been conducted on everyday things that bring happiness into our lives.

And now we reveal the 7 secrets of people who are always happy . Watch:

The 7 Secrets of People Who Are Always Happy.

1. They are busy without being overwhelmed

According to a study, people who do things in a hurry are less likely to be happy (Source 1).

But beware, it's not as simple as that.

Another study showed that those who have nothing to do with their day are also less happy (Source 2).

So, whether you are more of an "ant" or a "cicada", you are not close to finding happiness!

The secret of happy people lies between these 2 extremes:

They lead active lives, but at a comfortable pace .

In other words, try to regularly step out of your comfort zone.

But at the same time, don't exhaust yourself to the point of being overwhelmed by your effort.

That's easier said than done, you tell me!

And you, do you have the impression of always living in a hurry?

To be overwhelmed, always running out of time and always running?

It's probably because you say "Yes " to things that don't really excite you.

Learn to say "No! " to things that don't make you say "Seriously! ".

Of course, we all have duties and obligations in life.

But happy people have found a comfortable rhythm.

Their secret? Happy people know how to say "No " to most things.

But above all, they know say "Yes "the things that truly bring them happiness .

2. Happy people have at least 5 real friends

According to researchers, having a close circle of friends makes people happier (Source 3).

Another study showed that having a close circle of friends helps us live longer (Source 4).

So good friends are worth their weight in gold!

But why do experts specifically mention the number 5?

Because, according to studies on happiness, happy people have on average at least 5 close friends .

Here is the explanation of psychologist Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, a great figure in positive psychology:

"According to studies, those with at least 5 close friends are 60% more likely to describe themselves as 'very happy'.

Close friends are defined as those with whom we can talk about our most important issues. "

In truth, it doesn't matter exactly how many friends you have around you.

Here, the most important aspect is to fully invest in your relationships.

Indeed, studies show that after a while, even the best friendships tend to fade (Source 5).

Never forget that the complicity you share with your friends is not a given!

In reality, friendship is something we need to work on regularly.

It is by sharing good times with your loved ones that you will strengthen your ties.

But that's not all…

By regularly strengthening the bonds with your friends, you will also increase your feeling of happiness .

How often should you hang out with a close friend?

Studies show that close friends check in on each other at least every 15 days (Source 6).

3. They know how to accept their failures

"Humility is not thinking badly of yourself, it's thinking less often of yourself. " - C.S. Lewis

Self-esteem is a complex subject.

On the one hand, you obviously need to have good self-esteem to have self-confidence (Source 7).

But, again, it's not that simple!

Indeed, several studies have been conducted on people who base their self-esteem on the success of external facts.

And according to the researchers, it really isn't a good idea (Source 8).

Let's take a concrete case:students who base their self-esteem on their report cards.

If they pass their entrance exam to a big school? Their self-esteem will increase, but slightly .

What if they miss the same contest? So it's disaster . Their self-esteem will drop drastically.

And the damage doesn't stop there...

According to you, when a person bases his self-esteem on the success of external facts...

How will she react to you in the face of failure?

She risks developing a dangerous defense mechanism...

She will literally be incapable to accept failure (Source 9).

A concrete example is those people who say:

"If I failed, it's okay. It's because I wasn't really trying."

So what's the secret to avoiding attaching your happiness to external facts?

As C.S. Lewis suggests, maybe it's just enough to put your self-esteem aside!

Happy people know how to accept their failures .

Why ? Because they also know the difference between their self-esteem and success.

4. They exercise regularly

Happy people engage in regular physical activity.

It's as simple as that!

Moreover, all the studies on the subject are formal.

Even if you hate play sports. The more you do, the happier it will make you (Source 10).

But that's not all…

Playing sports also has a positive impact on the way in which we perceive our body .

Researchers have found that exercising regularly improves body perception (Source 11).

And this, even when the results are not immediately visible.

Surprising, isn't it?

Thus, it is the simple fact of doing sports that improves the image you have of your body. And not the results per se.

To take advantage of these benefits of physical activity, the key is to get started.

And don't forget that when it comes to sports, it's the first efforts that are the most difficult.

But once you get started, exercising gives you a feeling of euphoria and happiness.

Indeed, during sport, the body releases endorphins, with euphoric effects.

Like a drug, these natural opioids can make you totally addicted to sports.

Over time, the more you exercise, the more physical effort it takes to release those endorphins.

This is why you need to practice physical activity on a regular basis .

And it doesn't matter what sport you choose. Again, the main thing is to get started!

You are not very sporty? Do not worry ! No need to do 2 hours of abs!

Only 15 min walk is enough to get started. Watch how here.

The 7 Secrets of People Who Are Always Happy.

5. They know that you have to suffer to improve

Happy people have a skill that characterizes them.

It is a thing, activity or area in which they have become expert .

And this, even if it took them great efforts to acquire this expertise.

Because, as you might expect, becoming an expert at something is hard work!

Studies have shown that people who are in the process of acquiring a new skill are more stressed than others (Source 12).

But researchers have made a surprising discovery about this learning period.

For these people, this learning period is seen as a positive experience , even if it is difficult.

Thus, learning periods bring a feeling of happiness and satisfaction.

Before becoming very strong in something, you must necessarily struggle, or even be downright useless in this thing.

So remember, a skill is the direct result of your efforts.

Admittedly, at first, you will have to suffer a little...

But in no time, your efforts are rewarded with immense satisfaction:

That of mastering a skill, or being an expert at something.

And that, happy people have understood:

You have to know how to suffer in order to improve.

6. They don't spend their money on superficial stuff

Truly happy people aren't compulsive shoppers!

Indeed, they avoid spending their money on superficial stuff.

Instead, they prefer to use their money to live strong experiences .

According to a study, spending money on experiences helps increase feelings of happiness (Source 13).

Moreover, several studies indicate that money spent on experiences brings more happiness than money spent on material goods (Source 14).

But why?

According to researchers, there are 5 major explanations (Source 15).

Here are the 5 reasons why you should spend your money on life experiences:

1. Because experiences get better with time.

Like fine wine, good experiences get better with time.

Unlike material goods, they do not tarnish.

Why spend a fortune on the latest iPhone, if you know it will become obsolete in a few months?

Good experiences do not get old and are never forgotten.

At any time, you can think back to it and relive all the sensations.

2. Because experiences leave strong impressions.

A study has shown that we remember an experience much more easily than the purchase of a material thing (Source 16).

For example, like many people, you surely remember your very first hike.

But who remembers buying the hiking boots before this experience?

3. Because each experience is a unique moment.

People compare themselves to each other all the time.

It's hard to admit it, but it's the truth.

But that doesn't mean that comparing ourselves to others makes us happier.

On the contrary!

Indeed, it often has the effect of making us more unhappy .

Your personal experiences are incomparable.

Indeed, these are unique moments, which belong only to you.

Like that wonderful day at the beach with your family, during your holidays in Sardinia.

4. Because your experiences make you experience sensations.

Want proof?

When you return home after a concert, a meal with friends, a vacation...

After such an experience, you always feel a strong energy, a feeling of calm or happiness.

These sensations are much more difficult (if not impossible) to reproduce when you buy something from the store.

5. Because your experiences are moments of sharing.

Man is a social animal.

Living experiences also means getting out of the house and out of our comfort zone...

And often, these life experiences are special moments to share with friends who bring you happiness.

To discover: People Who Spend Their Money For Strong Experiences Are Happier. Here's Why.

7. They pursue their dreams throughout their lives

This is the last point on this list, but it is arguably the most important.

And Bronnie Ware is living proof.

Bronnie Ware is an Australian nurse who cared for patients in their last weeks of life.

For years, she collected the last words, wishes and wishes of these end-of-life patients.

So, can you guess the biggest regret people have before they die?

It is to not have chased their dreams .

Here's Nurse Bronnie Ware's explanation:

"When people realize that life is coming to an end, they look at it with great clarity.

"That's when they realize all the dreams they had, and the ones they couldn't achieve.

"Most people haven't achieved half of their dreams.

"They have to die knowing that it's all because of the choices they made, or didn't make.

"Being healthy is a freedom. Few realize it — until the day they lose that freedom. "

As the poet Joë Bousquet said:death is the regret of life.

Why put off until tomorrow the dreams that we can achieve today? They deserve it, right?

Your turn…

And you, what are the little everyday things that make you happy? Tell us everything in the comments. We can't wait to read you!