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How to Fight Chronic Stress at Back to School? The Expos!

How to Fight Chronic Stress at Back to School? The Expos!

That's it, the holidays are over... Read our tips for fight back-to-school stress and live September with serenity.

The white sand beaches, the sea and the idleness, all that is far away now. You have to make up your mind, alas, back to school is there, with its cohort of less exciting things:buying supplies for the children's school, going back to work, paying the taxes...

It is therefore urgent to change your ideas . How? 'Or' What ? Sleeping all day can be a solution, but you can also take advantage of the weekend to go out and visit some exhibitions.

Every first Sunday of each month, in Paris, exhibitions are free . The rest of the time, and also for all those who live in the regions, you can visit many free exhibitions by going to the painting galleries or sculpture. Check with your town hall.

With our stingy trick, you drive away stress, and in addition you enrich the culture of children by waking them up to the world of art.

Savings Achieved

By following our little advice, you have the possibility, by cultivating yourself, to forget the worries of the start of the school year and to combat the chronic stress of this period dreaded by all.

Chasing dark thoughts by going out to discover new artists and new universes won't cost you a penny.

You have to be careful with money all the time, but especially in this back-to-school period:during the holidays you sometimes spend more than necessary!

Saving on weekend outings is therefore a good idea to relax while ending the year in good financial conditions.