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7 slimming tips from our physio experts.

7 slimming tips from our physio experts.

Have I gained weight or am I just rounder? The scale is deceitful it does not indicate the percentage of fat! To control your line, discover the 7 slimming tips from our physio experts.

In adults, a normal proportion of fat is 18% in men and 22% in women of body mass. It is this objective that must be aimed for to maintain a pretty silhouette. To help you get there without worrying, here are our 7 slimming tips.

1. In the morning you will enjoy

Treat yourself to a good breakfast. The body eliminates easily during the day. It is in the evening that you have to be careful because we tend to store during the night.

2. Drink water, it's good. Not too much bread is good.

The body is made up mostly of water. Drinking will allow you to drain nutritional intake and better eliminate.

3. Regularly, you will move!

You have to exercise regularly to convert your fat mass into muscle mass.

4. Eat slowly, you have time...

The feeling of satiety takes 15 minutes to arrive. By stopping binging, we eat less naturally.

5. With diuretics and laxatives, you won't play

Watch out girls, these are drugs. It should not be taken to lose weight... Only take it on prescription from your doctor.

6. If it's centimeters you want to lose, massage yourself, you'll see it works.

First, it feels good to take care of yourself. But in addition it helps to drain and stimulate your veno-lymphatic system. By massaging yourself regularly, you prevent the fat from settling permanently and you lose it more easily. Your hip or waist circumference will drop more quickly.

7. Work the deep abs, the rest will follow.

The deep abs are those that are transverse. Strengthening them will not give you chocolate bars because they are the muscles of the lower abdomen. On the other hand, a deep musculature allows you to tone and sheath your silhouette and also prevents you from having back pain.

Here are 7 gestures to repeat on a daily basis. They are free, simple and good for your health. It's purely common sense, but these are questions we get asked every day in our practice. Now you know the answers we give to our patients, without even coming to consult!

Thanks to Amélie and Benjamin from the team! And you, what are your daily habits to keep the line? Tell us your clever tips in the comments.