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How to relieve the bruises, blows, bumps of everyday life?

A fall, a blow , a clumsiness and immediately they appear. The blues , hematomas are the traces of physical trauma. But how do these bruises appear? ? How to differentiate those who deserve to see a doctor from those manageable at home? How to relieve pain?

Understanding the appearance of bruises/bumps

During a shock there is sometimes a small release of blood under the skin:this leads to the appearance of bruises which are characterized by the appearance of discoloration of the skin with sometimes a bump in view. Subsequently, thanks to small cells found in our body, this quantity of blood will be eliminated in several stages, each of which corresponds to the different color changes that we will observe during the evolution of blue .


It is important to know how to identify the criteria that should lead to consulting a doctor. Indeed, depending on the location of the blue and associated symptoms, it is sometimes advisable to seek the advice of a healthcare professional. Here are some examples of situations that should lead to consulting a doctor:

  • When the bruise is next to a painful joint and that it is impossible to move without triggering pain, it will probably be necessary to perform an X-ray,
  • When the bruise appears following a blow to the head, or even a head trauma , especially if there is a loss of consciousness , drowsiness , vomiting or any change in behavior ,
  • When the bruise is located under a nail it may be necessary to evacuate the blood to relieve the pain associated with the increased pressure,
  • When certain locations concern areas at risk such as the eye contour or the testicles.

When blue occurs in a baby, it is not necessary to systematically consult a doctor. It is then necessary to look for the same signs as explained above such as vomiting, drowsiness or even to see if the baby moves the arm or the leg, according to the location of the bruise, without triggering pain. If there is no change in behavior in your baby, there is no need to routinely visit your doctor. However, if in doubt, do not hesitate to consult.

Finally, certain populations such as the youngest children or the elderly will have to be monitored all the more because they are more fragile.


If there is no severity criterion, there is a very simple method known as the GREEK method which can be applied to all traumas but more particularly to joint traumas:

  • Ice :It is recommended to apply ice but be careful it is never applied directly to the skin, it is important to wrap it in a cloth so as not to cause frostbite. By cooling the area that received the blow , the swelling is limited and the pain is also reduced by anesthetizing it.
  • Rest :Indeed, resting the joint helps to limit the pain.
  • Elevation :When it is for example a traumatism of the ankle, the elevation of the leg will also make it possible to fight against the swelling and thus to limit the appearance of the bump .
  • Constraint :It is sometimes necessary to bandage the part of the body having received the blow to limit the swelling again and put her to rest.

In the case of bruises, the simplest appearing on the skin, it is also possible to apply ice wrapped in a clean cloth, this relieves the pain and limits the appearance of the bump.
Thereafter, in order to reduce the swelling, the use of an anti-inflammatory or even herbal ointment is recommended.


Arnica Montana is a yellow-flowered plant in the Asteraceae family that grows especially in the mountains of Europe. It is known in traditional medicine for its anti-inflammatory properties. It is this variety of arnica that is used against bruises.

Used as an infusion to soak compresses, as an ointment or as a macerate in vegetable oil, this plant reduces the duration of inflammation and therefore makes pain and swelling disappear more quickly. There are also homeopathic Arnica pellets .

The virtues of this plant have been recognized since Ancient Greece and the European Medicines Agency recommends its use for haematomas , the bumps and sprains.

Italian Helichrysum is a plant of the Asteraceae family as well. It is used in the form of essential oil or cream. It is particularly effective in reducing bruises , the swelling occurring after the stroke or even to speed up the healing of small wounds.

Some products combine several phytotherapy plants, which makes it possible to combine the effects. They have age limits, so you should ask your pharmacist for advice before choosing one.

For babies , it is quite possible to use phytotherapy products but it is necessary to choose those which are intended for them. You can then gently massage the blue area or painful with oil or ointments to relieve them. However, it is important to specify that in case of persistence of symptoms, the consultation of a doctor is necessary.