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3 Beauty Tips to Fight the Cold in Winter.

3 Beauty Tips to Fight the Cold in Winter.

In winter, our bodies are put under severe strain and our looks are dull . How to keep your summer complexion?

Follow our beauty advice to fight against the cold!

The gestures are simple. You just need to eat well.

Your body uses more energy in the winter so give it everything it needs to be on top. Here's how:

3 Beauty Tips to Fight the Cold in Winter.

1. Take care of yourself with an adapted diet.

It is best to consume as many seasonal fruits and vegetables as possible. In winter it is cabbage, leeks, carrots, endives but also apples, pears, clementines, kiwis...

Fruits and vegetables from another season can even lead to demineralization, so they should be avoided.

2. The ideal is to consume raw fruits and vegetables and there is no shortage of recipes:grated carrots, endive salads, fruit salads, etc.

Cooking food causes them to lose some of their benefits.

3. Finally, flavor your dishes with ginger, coriander, parsley.

These foods make it easier to digest and will prevent you from having a hard time after the meal.

With all that energy, you can say goodbye to recurring flus and colds.