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11 Ginger Benefits You Didn't Know About.

11 Ginger Benefits You Didn t Know About.

I love the taste of ginger. Luckily, it is widely used in many dishes and even desserts.

It is used all over the world, in all kinds of cuisine:from fish curry, to candied ginger or cookies.

Ginger is also believed to have health benefits. So it's good for me if I eat it.

But what are its health benefits? I decided to find out more about these benefits that many people talk about.

11 Ginger Benefits You Didn t Know About.

But why ginger?

Ginger is a root that can be used in many ways in cooking, tea, beer...

It can be used to spice up dishes or preserve food. For more than 2,000 years, Chinese medicine has recommended its use to help cure or prevent certain health problems.

It is known to promote the flow of energy in the body and improve metabolism.

Here is a list of amazing ginger benefits that you may not know about.

While some of these benefits are still debated, you can do your own research if you want to use ginger medicinally.

1. Improves blood circulation

Ginger contains chromium, magnesium and zinc, which promote good blood circulation and help prevent fever chills, fever itself and excessive sweating.

2. Cures nausea

Ginger is a recognized effective remedy for nausea associated with motion sickness. We don't know exactly why.

But a study of sea cadets showed that they suffered less when they took powdered ginger.

To discover: The Radical Remedy for Motion Sickness.

3. Helps assimilate nutrients

Ginger helps absorb and assimilate essential nutrients in the body.

How? 'Or' What ? By stimulating the secretion of gastric and pancreatic enzymes.

4. Prevents colds and flu

Ginger has been used for thousands of years as a natural treatment for the flu and colds in Asia.

The University of Maryland Medical Center has established that two spoonfuls of freshly grated or chopped ginger in hot water, two or three times a day, cures cold and flu symptoms in adults.

To discover: My Effective Home Recipe against the Little Ailments of Winter.

5. Fights digestion problems

Ginger is great for aiding digestion. It improves the absorption of food and prevents stomach upset.

Ginger appears to reduce inflammation similarly to ibuprofen and aspirin.

6. Prevents colon cancer

A study from the University of Minnesota shows that ginger may slow the growth of colon cancer cells.

7. Reduces pain and inflammation

Ginger contains powerful anti-inflammatory substances.

It is also a powerful effective natural pain reliever.

8. Fights common respiratory problems, such as cough

If you suffer from a respiratory problem like a cough, ginger can help clear your airways.

Why ? Because it is a natural thinner that eliminates mucus. Thanks to it, you find normal breathing much more quickly.

9. Helps fight ovarian cancer

Ginger powder promotes the death of ovarian cancer cells.

10. Improves the immune system

Consuming a few pieces of ginger each day can help decrease the risk of a stroke by inhibiting fatty deposits in the arteries.

It also decreases bacterial infections in the stomach and helps fight a heavy cough or sore throat.

11. Fights morning sickness

Ginger can cure morning sickness and stomach flu with a 75% success rate.

There you go, you now know all the benefits of ginger :-)

If you don't have one and want to discover this remedy, you can get it here.

How much?

Now you know some of the health benefits of ginger. Regarding the dosage, it all depends on you. Some people would say that the ideal dose is 2 tablespoons of grated ginger in a cup 2-3 times a day, when you feel bad.

Many people mix ginger and honey to help soothe a cold and drink it several times a day.

Naturally, it is also used in cooking and sweets. It is therefore difficult to say exactly how much to take.

In addition you can even mix it with other ingredients such as green tea.