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Runny Nose:What To Do To Stop It?

Runny Nose:What To Do To Stop It?

Do you have a runny nose?

Even if the cold is not important and does not give fever, it is still painful.

So, if you don't want to go through the "doctor" box for so little, there is a little trick to stop this unpleasant flow.

I'll tell you everything right away...

Goodbye to small rhinitis preventing you from breathing properly.

Just make yourself a few mint teas for a day or two:

Runny Nose:What To Do To Stop It?

How to

1. Boil some water.

2. Pour it into a cup over your mint infusion .

3. Inhale your infusion when it is hot.

4. Drink it.


Runny Nose:What To Do To Stop It?

There you go, your nose no longer runs :-)

Simple, practical and effective!

And besides, it's economical.

You will see that thanks to this grandmother's remedy, you will quickly feel better.

No need to run to the pharmacy to buy cold medicine.

Your nose will clear and you will quickly be able to breathe normally .

It's much nicer that way, isn't it?

If you have a constantly runny nose, this grandmother's remedy quickly relieves you.

You will see, in 24 hours, you will already feel better.

And you will be able to have a good night's sleep again.

And do you know that stuff with an onion when you have a stuffy nose? It's magic!

Bonus tip

If you prefer, or want to supplement, you can also directly inhale two drops of mint alcohol.

This remedy should avoid for the youngest children.

I do, I assure you it's radical.

Your turn...

If your nose runs, what do you do? Come tell me that in your comments. We can't wait to read you!