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10 Simple Tricks To Improve Your Health (And Live Longer).

10 Simple Tricks To Improve Your Health (And Live Longer).

What should be done to live a longer and healthier life?

The classic formula, we all know it...

To be healthy, you have to exercise and eat healthy foods.

And you also have to think about your mental health, taking care to nourish your spirit.

The problem is that these so-called "tips" are much easier said than done!

Indeed, anyone who has tried to change their habits to improve their health knows how difficult it can be.

Sometimes it's just a matter of willpower. But very often, changing your lifestyle seems impossible .

10 Simple Tricks To Improve Your Health (And Live Longer).

Fortunately, we have selected for you 10 simple and effective tips to improve your health … and live longer.

Rest assured, all of these tips are easy to follow and require little effort. Watch:

1. Take a cold shower in the morning

10 Simple Tricks To Improve Your Health (And Live Longer).

Cold water stimulates blood circulation throughout the body.

And because a cold shower makes you more resistant to the cold, it means you're less likely to catch a cold or the flu.

In addition, cold water is excellent for healthy hair and skin.

Indeed, a cold shower naturally makes the hair shine.

It tones and firms the skin thanks to its tightening effect on the pores.

Also discover: The 20 Morning Rituals That Will Change Your Life.

2. Drink a glass of water in the morning

10 Simple Tricks To Improve Your Health (And Live Longer).

Drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up, about 30 minutes before breakfast.

It's a simple and effective way to wake up your body gently in the morning.

This glass of water will also allow you to properly prepare your stomach for better digestion of food.

Also discover: 11 Great Benefits Of Water For Your Body That You Didn't Know About!

3. Walk as often as possible

10 Simple Tricks To Improve Your Health (And Live Longer).

Get around on foot as often as possible.

For example, when walking your dog, try to take a bit longer than usual.

Similarly, take the stairs instead of the elevator when you only have a floor or two to climb.

Nowadays, more and more of us are working in front of a screen all day without doing much movement.

This is why we must take advantage of every opportunity to be more active by practicing small physical activities throughout the day.

Also discover: Walking 30 Mins A Day:The 7 Incredible Benefits Everyone Should Know.

4. Get enough sleep

10 Simple Tricks To Improve Your Health (And Live Longer).

Everyone knows it:getting enough sleep is vital to our body.

Sleep is one of the most important factors for good health, both physically and mentally.

So, try to sleep as much as possible before midnight, because your sleep will be much more restful.

Also discover: 11 Sleep Benefits Everyone Should Know.

5. Drink natural drinks

10 Simple Tricks To Improve Your Health (And Live Longer).

Avoid carbonated drinks, such as Coke, and store-bought fruit juices.

Why ? Because these drinks are full of sugars and preservatives.

But that's not all ! They also have no nutritional value for your body...

Instead, opt for natural drinks, such as water, green tea and freshly squeezed fruit juices.

Also discover: The Multivitamin Smoothie Recipe, Light and Economical!

6. Stretch first thing in the morning

10 Simple Tricks To Improve Your Health (And Live Longer).

Have you ever noticed what cats do after every nap? They stretch!

Incorporating stretching into your daily morning routine is an easy way to improve your health…and start your day better.

This is because stretching stimulates blood flow to the muscles, making it a great way to gently wake up the muscles and prepare them for the day.

In addition, numerous studies have shown that stretching increases our mental acuity.

And this, for 4 to 10 hours after physical activity! Impressive, isn't it?

Also discover: 9 EASY Stretches To Relieve Back And Hip Pain.

7. Wash your hands regularly

10 Simple Tricks To Improve Your Health (And Live Longer).

During the day, we touch all kinds of surfaces (door handles, stair railings, computers...), and people (handshakes).

And that's exactly how you get sick!

So hand washing is a simple habit to help you stay healthy.

Know that hand washing is THE most effective hygiene measure to avoid many infections.

And this is true for illnesses such as the flu or gastrointestinal as well as for more serious disorders, such as intestinal worms.

Also discover: How To Wash Your Hands To Never Catch The Flu And Gastro.

8. Avoid salty snacks

10 Simple Tricks To Improve Your Health (And Live Longer).

Do you like crisps and other salty snacks? I loved it too!

Unfortunately, these little snacks are too fatty, too salty and loaded with calories.

In addition, salty snacks contain preservatives and have almost no nutritional value for your body.

In other words, you feel like you're eating, but your body isn't getting any energy from it!

So, if you like to snack in front of a series or at work, prefer a healthy and balanced snack, such as a mix of organic dried fruits.

Also discover: Need Energy? 15 Healthy Snacks to Take Anywhere.

9. Eat more slowly

10 Simple Tricks To Improve Your Health (And Live Longer).

Whether it's your favorite home-cooked meal or a meal with friends at a good restaurant, try to eat more slowly than usual.

And of course, avoid fast food like Mc Do!

Eating slowly not only improves digestion, because it helps our body to better absorb nutrients...

...but also taking the time to eat allows you to enjoy a moment of relaxation with your loved ones, which is also beneficial to your body.

Also discover: 10 Toxic Ingredients You Are Eating at McDonald's WITHOUT Knowing.

10. Know how to stay zen!

10 Simple Tricks To Improve Your Health (And Live Longer).

Throughout the day, try not to get pissed off over unimportant everyday stuff.

Similarly, do never take life too seriously!

Instead, smile, love your loved ones, and make sure you always see the bright side of things...

Try to stay calm and remember that your mental health is as important as your physical health.

Also discover: 13 Things Mentally Strong People Never Do.

Your turn...

And you, do you know any other tips to improve your health? Share them in comments with our community. We can't wait to read you!