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Scientifically proven:tea drinkers live longer and healthier

Scientifically proven:tea drinkers live longer and healthier

We have often reported that tea is very healthy for you and now another large-scale study shows that tea drinkers live longer and healthier. It is then about tea from a tea leaf and not about mint or ginger tea.

The study was conducted in China among more than 100,000 participants. Two groups were formed:

  • people who drank tea at least three times a week,
  • people who never or less than 3 times a week drank tea.

Both groups were followed for seven years. The results were published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardialogy.

Read also: 'The benefits of tea on your health'

Positive health effects

For example, it turned out that those who drink tea regularly live an average of 15 months longer than people who do not drink tea. The chance of a stroke was also considerably less and the chance of dying was fifteen percent less among tea lovers.

The results of this study were further confirmed in another study involving about fourteen thousand participants. For example, it emerged that tea drinkers are 39 percent less likely to have a non-fatal stroke, 56 percent less likely to have a fatal stroke and 29 percent less likely to die than those who do not drink tea.

Dutch research into the effects of tea on health has already shown that green and black tea have a positive effect on cholesterol and blood pressure.

Green tea

The Chinese researchers were especially enthusiastic about green tea. According to experts, this is because green tea is more popular than black tea in China. Three glasses of green tea can already have a positive effect on your health. With black tea you should drink about five cups before you see the effect.