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Three reasons to exercise with your dog

You already knew that having a pet has many advantages, but why take your dog with you when you go jogging, cycling or walking? We list the benefits for you.

Perhaps you want to jog or cycle, but the motivation is hard to find. Alone is so uncomfortable and your training buddy sometimes cancels because she has to work overtime, has parents-in-law visiting or because her bed is just too comfortable. Now you can think:'it doesn't matter, tomorrow is another day', but of course you can also give your dog a nice look. To be fair, your dog will not be quick to say no. He is never too busy to go outside with you and is therefore the ideal sports buddy!

Healthy for your dog
46 percent of adults in the Netherlands are overweight and extra exercise is therefore a good way to work on health. However, what about your dog? According to the LICG (National Information Center for Companion Animals), 35 percent of dogs are overweight. A little extra exercise for your dog can't hurt either! Obesity increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and osteoarthritis. Not only with you, but also with your dog. Exercising will not only help your dog lose weight when needed, but it also provides other health benefits. Your dog can lose his energy and because of this he will, for example, be less bored and feel better about himself.

Build a bond
There is nothing more fun than exercising with your dog. You spend more time together and your four-legged friend will certainly thank you for that! After your workout, you can relax on the couch together. If you're working out alone, you may find yourself plopped on the couch while your dog turns on his floss rope. You better be tired together.

Wait until your dog is one year old before exercising with him. Then build up his condition slowly and keep a close eye on your dog. He can't say it when he's tired. Also, do not exercise when it is hot and regularly check your dog's paw pads for damage. Prevent injuries to your dog, but also to yourself by doing a good warm-up and not going over your limit. Do you plan to exercise a lot? It may be wise to compare your health insurance and see what coverage you want, so that you can go to a physiotherapist without high costs when necessary.