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Increase your longevity with the Ikaria lifestyle

Have you ever heard of Ikaria? Can you point to it on a map? This beautiful little Greek island, located in the Aegean Sea, close to Samos, is known as 'the island of longevity' due to its rare Blue Zone status (where the inhabitants are largely free of chronic diseases and often reach adulthood). reach 100 years).

Experts say there is a rational explanation for this astonishing life expectancy. From eating a fresh Mediterranean diet and drinking natural wine to taking care of your neighbors and treating everyone equally, there is certainly something we can learn about the Ikarian lifestyle to improve our own well-being. Here are a few tips from Ikaria:

Tip #1:Stop looking at the time

Ikarians don't wear watches. Their pace of life is slow, especially for the villagers in the northern region. Known as 'highlanders', these people work as beekeepers and farmers and have a low sense of urgency because they have a different sense of time. There is a misconception that Ikarians are 'lazy' because of their late starts and fast movements, but due to a lack of power in the 1970s, locals found it more convenient to open shops and trade later in the day. This unusual custom persists to this day – meaning the best time to shop in Ikaria is late at night!

Maybe it's time we slowed down and stopped looking at the clock every minute of the day. We would definitely feel more relaxed and less anxious!

Tip #2:Treat everyone as your equal

There are no social classes on Ikaria. The main values ​​of the islanders are simplicity, trust and respect, and it is almost forbidden to show off success or wealth within the community. Instead, these humble Greeks dress simply and make sure everyone is welcome on the island – local or tourist.

More than 100 festivals are held on Ikaria every year. Due to the Ikarian sense of equality, no events are held exclusively for islanders, nor are they organized specifically for tourists. Everyone is welcome to join. The prices are also not inflated at different times of the year.

A sense of community and inclusion is important for health. Take care of your loved ones and respect your neighbours.

Increase your longevity with the Ikaria lifestyle

Tip #3:Eat local and eat seasonal

We've all heard about the benefits of a Mediterranean diet, but Ikarians take it to a whole new level by eating only what they can produce themselves, meaning their diets are strictly organic and seasonal. There is no junk food on the island, there are no preservatives in the wine and meat is only eaten on special occasions, often when the whole village can eat together. It is a sustainable and ecological way to support a community.

The nutrition that Ikarians get from their diet of fruits, vegetables, olive oil, local wine, honey and herbs is enhanced by the chemical composition of the soil on the island, which enhances the products grown there.

Everyone can benefit from a seasonal, locally sourced diet, and the basics of the Mediterranean diet can be easily found on the Internet. Go google!

Tip #4:Stay active and go outside

From 325km of hiking trails (celebrated every year during a major September walking holiday) to surfing beaches and from a yoga retreat (known as 'The Egg') to sandy soccer fields, there are plenty of opportunities to stay active on Ikaria. A dose of vitamin D from excursions in the sun also boosts the immune system and energy levels; another reason to go outside every day.

In the Netherlands, 30 minutes of exercise daily is recommended for a healthy heart and lower blood pressure. Take a break from your desk and enjoy a lunchtime walk in the fresh air.

Tip #5:Experience the Ikarian lifestyle for yourself

Plan a visit to Ikaria to experience this healthy way of life for yourself.