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Folic Acid:Foods to Choose for a Peaceful Pregnancy.

Folic Acid:Foods to Choose for a Peaceful Pregnancy.

Does the arrival of spring make you want a baby? To put the odds on your side, remember that certain foods play a key role in the conception and development of a child.

Do you know what is the common point between a glass of orange juice, a slice of veal liver and a plate of broccoli? None a priori.

Except that all three contain a large amount of folic acids , also called vitamin B9, which allow you to envisage a serene pregnancy.

These acids make it possible to limit the risks of neural tube defect in newborns . In short, by consuming a maximum of foods rich in folic acids, you put the odds on your side to quickly conceive a healthy baby.

In Offal and "Dark Green" Vegetables

I cannot give you an exhaustive list of all the foods that contain folic acids . But in the top ten, we can mention all the offal, lentils, spinach, asparagus, broccoli, romaine lettuce, orange juice, Brussels sprouts or walnuts and hazelnuts.

Of course, not all contain the same amount of vitamin B9. For example, we are at more than 340 micrograms for 100 g of grilled poultry offal compared to 100 for a glass of orange juice….

400 Micrograms Recommended

It's up to you to juggle between all the foods to achieve the right dose, knowing that before the conception of Baby, it is recommended to take 400 micrograms of vitamin B9 per day, to avoid any risk of deficiency.

Doctors and gynecologists tend to prescribe these vitamins in the form of food supplements , which can be found in pharmacies. But if you manage to adapt your diet to provide the right dose for baby, I find that the natural method is still better!

Do you have any questions about this? I will answer you in comments.

Savings Achieved

The box of thirty vitamin B9 tablets is sold for around €3.90 in pharmacies.

Knowing that it is advisable to start the cure three months before the conception of a child, we are quickly at more than 10 €. Plus the €30 during pregnancy. We are already at more than 40 € just for folic acids . Instead, go for your cupboards and review your diet!

€40 set aside that we can spend to welcome baby in good conditions.