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Lemon is really good for everything!

Lemon is really good for everything!

What to do with this sunny little citrus fruit, sparkling with good humor and full of benefits, for the skin, the body and the savings?

Here's what I tried!

Lemon is a fruit full of resources and inexpensive, which can be used by eating it or externally.

His qualities

Thanks to its very high content of vitamin C, it helps to strengthen the immune defences.
It stimulates the digestive functions and eliminates toxins of the organism.
Its citric acid promotes the secretion of saliva and gastric juices.

It also has antibacterial and antiviral properties. , thanks to its content of magnesium, calcium, pectin, bioflavonoids, limonene.
Potassium gives it a slightly diuretic effect.
It also contains iron.

Lemon on a daily basis

In everyday life , it therefore has many uses, some of which I have tested:you will find that lemon is as interesting from a food point of view as for external care.

When you wake up, I drink lemon juice every morning :it activates the bile secretion of the liver and prepares it to digest the food to come. Impeccable to start the day off right!

At mealtimes , I put a few drops of lemon on meats, eggs and legumes and it helps my digestion.

I also drink water mixed with lemon juice, on an empty stomach, some mornings. against water retention.

And after each meal , for possible gastric problems , a glass of lukewarm water with the juice of a freshly squeezed lemon:this will promote the production of digestive acids as well as stomach muscle activity . No need for pills or other medications for better digestion!

For external use

It is excellent for the skin:
Lemon juice softens and whitens hands :if I rub them with squeezed lemons, instead of throwing them away after use, my skin is whiter and softer!

It softens also rough elbows, knees or heels.

A treatment with lemon juice and olive (or almond) oil helps fight against eczema :easy to make and economical lotion, for those who have this kind of problem (my daughter tried it with success!).

Lemon juice can be applied to relieve pain and burning caused by insect bites :we always have it on hand and it is really effective, in the event of a bee sting for example.

Astringent , lemon also has the property of tightening the pores of the skin:a few drops after cleansing the face advantageously replaces an astringent lotion...

I also use it in rinse water for my hair , which it makes brighter!

And you, what other uses of lemon can you recommend? And don't forget to tell us what you think of the ones I just suggested in the comments.

Savings achieved

Lemon replaces expensive products such as tablets to digest, skincare creams, conditioners and other overpriced and no more effective cosmetics...

With a squeeze of lemons at €1.50 , you compete with several tubes at €15 or more . That means savings of at least €13.5 per month, i.e. more than €150 per year.