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Folic acid before and during your pregnancy

Folic acid before and during your pregnancy

Swallowing folic acid can prevent congenital disorders such as spina bifida or open skull. To make folic acid work optimally, it is best to take this vitamin before you become pregnant.

In the Northern Netherlands, a study has been started into the protective effect of a higher dose of folic acid (vitamin B11). This could potentially be positive for the pregnancy and the baby. Of course, the disadvantages and dangers of taking a higher dose of folic acid are also examined.

It is known that taking folic acid before and during the first part of pregnancy offers 50 to 70 percent protection against the development of spina bifida. In the past 20 years, indications have also been found that the protective effect of folic acid is greater with a higher dose and that it also protects against other congenital disorders, such as heart defects.

Also later in your pregnancy, folic acid could have a positive effect on the prevention of preeclampsia and preterm birth. The study also looks at negative effects. This is to give appropriate advice to expectant mothers in the future. For example, it is currently being investigated whether asthma occurs more often in children whose mothers took folic acid.

Join the study
Women are still being sought who want to become pregnant and who want to participate in the study. You will receive folic acid tablets from your pharmacy. For more information about the research, visit Folic