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Antibiotic Excessive Consumption Alert.

Antibiotic Excessive Consumption Alert.

An antibiotic consumption warning plan has just been set up by the Ministry of Health, which wishes to avoid the systematic use of medication in the event of minor health concerns.

The French are crazy about antibiotics, they consume them all the time and it's not good for your health!

Faced with this scourge, the government decided to react and released its alert plan on the consumption of antibiotics, as highlighted in the article published on the website.

The objective to be achieved is to reduce by a quarter the consumption of medicines by the French over a period of 5 years.

Why Should You Reduce Your Consumption of Antibiotics?

Antibiotic Excessive Consumption Alert.

The French are the first consumers of antibiotics in Europe!

A sad record that proves that we spend far too much money to buy drugs. Especially since it is found that the more antibiotics we consume, the less they have an effect. If it's bad for your health to consume it in overdose, it also amounts to throwing money away since it's expensive and it doesn't really have an effect.

My Advice, Favor Natural Remedies

Antibiotic Excessive Consumption Alert.

There are many natural and effective remedies that can cure colds or reduce fever, for example.

You have a headache ? Wait Before Taking Medication, Try These 4 Little Headache Remedies First.

Remember that when you feel tired, what you need most is rest.

So, prefer a good nap to any medication whose effectiveness will eventually fade if you take it too often.

For you, are antibiotics automatic? Come and share your opinion on the matter in the comments.