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10 fruits and vegetables to buy organic.

10 fruits and vegetables to buy organic.

Did you know that some fruits and vegetables sold in supermarkets are not so good for your health because full of pesticides? Here is my list of the 10 fruits you better buy organic!

We keep repeating it on TV:we must eat fruits and vegetables, they are the best allies of our health! I say okay, but fruits and vegetables full of pesticides are surely more dangerous than healthy. Hormonal disturbances, fertility problems, cancer, here are among other things that pesticides can cause on our organism.

That's why I decided to make a list of 10 products to buy ONLY organic! In addition, organic is not more expensive than the rest, we demonstrated it to you with our tips for getting cheap organic.

1. Tomatoes: the pesticides concentrate in the skin of the fruit. Rather than eating only peeled tomatoes, it is best to buy them at the market, at the greengrocer or in farmer's shops.

2. Peaches: to cultivate peaches, an incredible number of diverse and varied pesticides are used. In addition, their thin skin lets pesticides easily pass into the very flesh of the fruit! A word of advice:never buy peaches in the supermarket!

3. Strawberries :here is a fruit generally full of pesticides, but even more when it is not in season! The best is to buy some around June, when the strawberries are round, red and firm!

4. Cherries: my advice here will be the same as with peaches. If you see cherries in the supermarket, go your way! This fruit is a pesticide haunt!

5. Celery: with celery, contamination goes even faster than with other fruits and vegetables since it has no skin! It therefore allows all possible and imaginable pesticides to pass towards the center of its flesh!

6. Lettuce: there is a trick to get rid of pesticides on lettuce:never eat the first leaves. Peel your lettuce well! But honestly the best is to go to the organic market!

7. Apples: another fruit with a super thin skin that allows all pesticides to pass through. So even peeled, the apple bought in the supermarket is a nest of pesticides!

8. Pears: the spread of pesticides in pears works the same way as with apples:thin skin, ultra-contaminated flesh. Head to the organic market!

9. Citrus fruits: the zests of lemons or oranges are full of pesticides. If you use them in a juice, buy them organic! On the other hand, for all the non-culinary tricks with lemons, supermarket products are more than enough!

10. The grape: whether to eat or drink, never buy grapes in the supermarket. It contains more than twenty pesticides that will make your red wine evenings much less pleasant!

And you? You know other fruits full of insecticides? Do you have any tips for getting rid of it? To your comments!