At a time when antibiotics are becoming "a little too automatic" again, I looked into one of our favorite health foods:garlic.
It has, you know, the same benefits!
From the Greek "anti " cons and "bios " life, an antibiotic is a natural or semi-synthetic molecule, made to destroy bacteria or block their growth.
It is therefore useful in case of bacterial diseases but useless in case of viral disease.
Most antibiotics are natural molecules , produced by micro-organisms (fungi or other bacteria).
They naturally fight against competing bacteria within their own biotope.
It was therefore not impossible to find it in food that we are used to consuming and, in this case, it is garlic that contains the most!
Researchers have been investigating the health benefits of garlic for decades now. The most recent American studies state that garlic is probably one of the most powerful natural foods.
It is also used successfully in research laboratories, where it has been regularly demonstrated that a garlic concentrate is very effective in stopping the growth of certain bacteria , such as Campylobacter jejuni , for example.
This bacterium with a bizarre name has been known for more than a century as the causative agent of diarrhea, intestinal diseases, crippling diseases, or food poisoning.
Garlic will therefore be used to reduce bacteria pathogens from our food environment, while naturally increasing the level of antioxidants in our body.
It is also naturally useful for all the little ailments of everyday life, such as cough , headaches or sprains ...
- Consuming garlic will allow you not only to prevent the development of bacteria, but also to better fight against those that are already present in your body. Adopt a Mediterranean diet as soon as possible! Put garlic in your kitchen daily (preferably raw, but also cooked, in your meats) or bite into those that accompany your pickles.
- Do not hesitate to use it as a remedy for your colds, as an infusion for example, instead of asking your doctor for antibiotics. Antibiotics which, if taken too often, will no longer have any effect on you. So you might as well only take it in the event of a more severe illness... No?