Vaginal odor poisons the lives of millions of women...
Many know or have known this kind of problem, including me!
But know that it is not necessarily because of poor hygiene.
In reality, quite a few factors can disrupt the balance of the vaginal flora.
Heavy discharge, sexual intercourse, menstrual cycle...
...all this can cause infections that absolutely must be treated.
Otherwise, beware of strong and unusual intimate odors!
Fortunately, my gynecologist gave me his best natural remedies to finally get rid of this annoying problem.
Discover 12 effective grandmother's tricks to eliminate vaginal odor. Watch:
You may not know it, but there is a way to wipe yourself off when you're done peeing.
Always do it back and forth . Why?
Because in this way, the bacteria contained in the anus do not reach the vulva.
By limiting this flow of bacteria, we therefore prevent vaginal infections at the same time.
The urine smells very strong, especially when it stagnates.
So be careful not to let what is called urinary leakage "macerate".
I'm not talking about heavy incontinence, but urinary leakage following sneezing or giggling for example.
These leaks are also quite common in pregnant women.
If you are prone to this and it happens to you a little too frequently, see your doctor.
He knows the solutions to solve the problem, without wearing diapers!
A good habit to get into.
If you use tampons during your period, change them several times a day (every 6 hours).
Indeed, keeping a tampon on for a whole day or more increases the risk of unpleasant odors.
Again, vaginal infections can appear and even become dangerous.
I am talking in particular about toxic shock syndrome, which is potentially fatal!
So be careful not to forget your tampon in the vagina.
It happens more often than you think, especially when the period flow becomes weak.
If so, 2 possible solutions.
Consult your gynecologist first so that they prescribe you ovules that disinfect the vagina.
You can also apply this grandmother's trick to organic cider vinegar.
Are you a sexually active woman?
So much the better, it only has advantages and it increases life expectancy.
But as my gynecologist says, after sex, we're going to pee!
Because during penetration, bacteria can reach the urethra, which can cause fungal infections.
By going to urinate and then after washing, you eliminate pathogenic germs after sex.
It also helps to evacuate the sperm present at the bottom of the vagina.
Know that sperm has an alkaline pH while that of the vagina is acidic.
The meeting of the 2 modifies the natural PH of the vagina and can therefore modify its natural smell.
To rebalance all this, you can also use apple cider vinegar!
So if you didn't know, the vagina is a self-cleaning organ.
However, it is widely recommended to wash the vulva twice a day.
Especially if you suffer from vaginal odor.
But be careful, in order not to upset the balance of the flora, you must not go inside the vagina!
You should avoid doing what is called "vaginal douching".
Also avoid the use of deodorants, intimate wipes or scented toilet paper.
Cleansing the pubic area and the outside of the vulva is very effective and helps preserve the flora.
When you wash your private part, you must not attack it.
Using a mild soap with a neutral PH is therefore very important.
You can find it in pharmacies or directly online here.
In any case, avoid special and aggressive cleaning products.
They alter the natural balance of microorganisms and even lead to infections.
A neutral PH soap is just as effective against sweat and odors.
To avoid odors, let the vaginal area breathe.
So the ultra tight jeans with synthetic panties in summer, we forget!
This is especially true for overweight women.
In hot weather, sweat can get stuck in the skin folds of the crotch.
So prefer to wear loose clothes (skirts, dresses) and cotton panties.
Also wash the perianal area well and dry it well afterwards.
When we pee, it's not uncommon to smell the smell of the food we ate, isn't it?
Well, it's the same thing with vaginal discharge .
They leave the smell of certain foods in the vagina.
This is for example the case when you eat garlic, onion or peppers...
So if you eat a lot of these delicious foods, but suffer from vaginal odor...
...We're going to have to stop, at least for a while.
Despite these effective tips for preventing vaginal odor, infections may still occur.
Let's see together how to fight them.
Bacterial vaginosis is one of the leading causes of vaginal odor.
It's the famous "fish smell" that can bother the infected person, but also those around them!
Why does this foul smell suddenly appear?
It's because of a bacteria called Gardnerella vaginalis.
In too large quantities, it unbalances the vaginal flora, irritates the vulva and accentuates the losses.
Once this bacteria is installed, it emits a gas that gives this bad smell.
If this happens to you, don't panic.
This disease is combated with antibiotic treatment from the imidazole family.
And by local antibiotic treatment, in the form of an egg.
So with trichomoniasis, we change register in terms of smells.
This infection makes the vagina smell like plaster.
It is also accompanied by yellowish discharge, irritation and itching.
It is an STI (Sexually Transmitted Infections) which can also be treated with antibiotics from the imidazole family.
Small particularity to know.
If the woman needs to be treated for this infection, her partner should be too!
Genital herpes is an STI that causes a viral infection in the vagina.
This infection causes painful pimples to appear inside the vagina and on the external genitalia.
This is accompanied by very unpleasant vaginal odors.
This infection is not serious, but it has a peculiarity.
Once treated, it stays in our body for life!
Fortunately, most of the time genital herpes is no longer active and manifests itself.
Vaginal mycosis comes, in more than 80% of cases, from the fungus Candida albicans.
But for once, it does not emit any particular smell!
It causes more white discharge and itching, but no odor.
This well-known infection is quite easily fought.
Doctors often prescribe antifungal cream and a vaginal egg to get rid of them.
Have good hygiene
Bathe the area between your legs and get fitted with a soft washcloth.
Avoid "loofah" sponges as they can cause small tears, exposing the area to possible infection.
Pass the washcloth in the crotch to remove dead skin, sweat and dirt.
As mentioned above, above all use a mild soap or with a neutral pH for the exterior.
Do not use perfumed soaps or shower gels.
Odors and chemicals can upset the natural pH of your vagina.
Inside the lips, the area is much more sensitive and the soap often burns and irritates.
Just run the water over the area to keep the labia around the vagina clean.
The vagina itself does not need to be cleaned.
Change your underwear
If you usually wear satin, silk or polyester panties, switch to 100% cotton.
Cotton is breathable and helps wick sweat and fluids away from your body.
Excess moisture can upset your natural bacteria levels and lead to infections.
Do a vinegar bath
Hot baths and frequent hot showers can upset your natural pH.
From time to time, do this type of bath instead; it can be very useful to prevent vaginal odor.
Pour a cup or two of apple cider vinegar into a warm bath and soak in it for 20 minutes.
Vinegar naturally reduces bacteria without disturbing the vaginal flora.
Have a healthy diet
Try to eat a balanced diet with lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins.
A balanced diet leads to a healthy body, and that includes your vagina!
Stay hydrated
Drinking plenty of water is not only good for the skin.
It also contributes to the general health of your vagina.
Proper hydration promotes healthy perspiration and fluid evacuation.
Wash your genital area before and after sex
Sexual intercourse is not without consequences for the intimate flora.
They introduce bacteria as well as foreign substances like lubricant and spermicide from condoms.
Wash your genitals before and after sex to maintain natural levels of bacteria.