Today we are going to look together at how to cure nail fungus naturally .
Because to tell you the truth, I was bothered for a long time with these microscopic mushrooms.
The nails of my hands and especially my toes were often infected.
But you know what, I was able to fix the problem without taking medication.
I only used natural and easy to find products.
And from my own experience, I can tell you that it works!
No more stinging, redness or flaking. Who says better?!
Are you interested in discovering these remedies?Here are my 5 natural recipes to overcome nail fungus:
My first tip for fighting mycosis comes from my grandmother.
His remedy is to use essential oils, but not just any!
It is necessary to take essential oils of lavender or tea tree.
They have the advantage of being antiseptic and disinfectant.
And that's perfect for making those pesky mushrooms disappear.
Note how I use them.
I clean the infected part perfectly first.
Then I pour in the pure lavender or tea tree oil above.
I let it act for 10 to 20 minutes and finally I rinse thoroughly before letting it dry.
I do this several times a day and goodbye mycoses.
There are just 2 small precautions to take.
Of course, be careful not to get any on your eyes.
Also pour a few drops on your elbow to see if you have an allergic reaction.
Good news.
Baking soda is an excellent remedy for treating foot fungus.
In addition to being cheap, it is a product that dries up excess moisture from the toes.
And that makes all the difference in the face of fungal infections!
For it to be fully effective, I make a paste by mixing baking soda and water.
I cover the nail with this mixture and let it act for ten minutes.
I just have to rinse and let it dry well. Check out the trick here.
Another use that I have already applied.
I put lukewarm water in a basin and I sprinkle baking soda in it.
I then make a good foot bath with the mixture.
Come on, let's continue with natural products?
This time we're going to talk about vinegar.
The white vinegar / cider vinegar pair has only advantages.
Their acidity levels the pH of the skin and kills fungi and bacteria.
Vinegar also prevents fungus from spreading.
In a container, pour water and vinegar in equal proportions.
Immerse your hands or feet in it for half an hour every day.
Above all, dry your feet thoroughly once the remedy has been applied. Check out the trick here.
There is an even more effective alternative to get rid of yeast infections.
Just replace the water with mouthwash.
Mouthwashes kill bacteria and germs in the mouth.
So why not use it for the feet against mycoses!?
Garlic is another super effective grandmother's remedy for fungal infections.
Its antifungal properties helped me a lot to get rid of fungus.
Ready to see what it gives against yeast infections?
Take a clove of garlic, crush the pieces and mix with white vinegar.
Spread the kind of mush on the area to be treated and surround with a bandage.
Leave for a few hours and repeat the operation until the infection disappears.
More broadly, I also take this opportunity to remind you that garlic is very good for your health.
Coconut oil is great.
This oil not only treats nail fungus.
It is also effective in case of mycosis of the skin, mouth and even the genitals.
For my part, I use this natural oil in the following way.
I first pour 30 ml of coconut oil into a small container.
I add 30 drops of essential oil of tea tree, lemongrass and Ceylon cinnamon.
I then spread the mixture on the area to be treated twice a day until the infection disappears.
Isn't life more beautiful without mycosis?