The new scientific studies are unanimous!
Homemade masks are actually effective in slowing the spread of the coronavirus.
Indeed, a double layer of cotton fabric is 70% as effective as a surgical mask to capture small particles.
Why have we been told otherwise from the start?
Surely because the politicians knew that we didn't have enough masks for everyone!
Fortunately, here is the easy tutorial to make an effective homemade mask in less than a minute . Watch:
- a bandana
- 2 large rubber bands
- 1 paper towel
1. Lay the bandana flat on the table.
2. Fold it in half, then in half again.
3. Position the two rubber bands so that the bandana is divided into three equal parts.
4. Fold the right side of the bandana towards the middle.
5. Open it and place the left side in.
6. Pull each rubber band on each side.
7. Add a sheet of Sopalin inside the mask (change each time you use it).
8. Place the mask on your face by hooking the rubber bands behind your ears.
There you go, you now know how to make your own homemade mask in less than a minute :-)
Easy, fast and effective!
No more running to all the pharmacies trying to buy some!
Remember to share this tutorial with all your family and friends so that together we can overcome this virus!
Indeed, studies show that if 50% of the population wore masks, only 50% of the population would be infected with the virus.
And once 80% of the population wears a mask, the epidemic can be stopped immediately!
What is the best material to make your homemade mask?
Based on these studies, we recommend using a cotton fabric with a paper towel.
But know that any type of mask is better than no mask.
Before using your homemade mask:
1. Wash your hands thoroughly.
2. As soon as the mask becomes wet, change the mask and clean it.
3. Never reuse a mask without first cleaning it, even after a single use.
To remove your mask:
1. Do not touch the front or any other part of the mask. Remove it only using the rubber bands.
2. After removing it, clean your hands immediately with disinfectant gel or with soap and water.
3. Drop the used mask directly into soapy water and clean it thoroughly by rubbing it with your hands.
- WHO recommends masks for those infected with COVID-19 or those caring for infected people. The concern is that 50% of people with COVID-19 have no symptoms! So it makes sense that we should all wear masks, if we don't know who is actually sick.
- The government of the Czech Republic has from the beginning obliged citizens to wear masks in public. Within 3 days, nearly 100% of citizens were wearing homemade masks. And as you can see from the graph below, it worked:
- Much of Central Europe is now following the example set by China, Taiwan, South Korea and the Czech Republic. Austria has also forced its citizens to wear masks outside the home, after the Czech, Slovak and Bosnian governments gave the same recommendations. - Wall Street Journal
- "Homemade masks reduce viral exposure and risk of infection at the population level, even if the mask does not fit snugly or sit snugly on the face ." - 2008 study published in the US National Library of Medicine
- Hong Kong, Mongolia, South Korea and Taiwan are all countries very close to the original epicenter of the pandemic in China, and they have very close economic ties with China. However, none have resorted to confinement thanks to the general wearing of masks in these countries. - Washingtonpost
- "In the United States and Europe, the big mistake, in my opinion, is that people do not wear masks. This virus is transmitted by droplets. Droplets play a very important role in contamination. You must wear a mask, because when you talk there are also droplets coming out of your mouth. Many people do not have symptoms even though they have COVID-19. If they wear masks, it can prevent the droplets that carry the virus from escaping and infecting other people." - Director of the CDC in China.
- Finally, watch this video about people in Hong Kong who all wear masks:
- Remember that masks do not replace other barrier gestures such as washing your hands with soap and water and maintaining a distance of at least 1 meter between you and other people.