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Covid-19:the visor more effective than the mask?

Experts gave their opinion on the protective mask as well as on the visors. In reality, masks remain essential although there are advantages and disadvantages on both sides.

The visor can be useful, but…

An article published by NBC News on July 8 gave the floor to several experts. As everyone knows, the mask has been the reference object of protection all over the world since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. However, it is not uncommon to see some people wearing a visor. For Amesh Adalja of the Johns Hopkins University Center for Health Security (USA), the visor is more comfortable to wear and does not interfere with breathing. Moreover, the latter does not need to be readjusted like the mask. This therefore rather limits the risk of contamination. This is because the wearer is less likely to touch their face.

We should also mention the fact that the visor does not hide the mouth and nose. This appears to be useful, especially in the case of hearing-impaired people who are used to lip-reading. In addition, the visor seems to embody an additional protection at eye level . On the other hand, it should be noted that there is no data quantifying the risk of ocular exposure route.

Covid-19:the visor more effective than the mask?

… the mask remains the reference

On the negative side, let's mention the fact that the visor remains open on the sides and on the bottom. For bio-engineer William Lindsley working for the CDC, the visor does a good job of preventing the direct projection of large particles. On the other hand, it is ineffective against the smallest particles able to "go around". Thus, the visor can unfortunately let droplets pass in both directions, that is to say emanating from the wearer, but also from other people.

Erin Sorrell, immunologist at Georgetown University discusses a lack of data regarding the effectiveness of the visor. The person concerned believes that this is the main reason why the public authorities recommend wearing them only in addition to a mask. On the other hand, the effectiveness of masks has been proven on several occasions. In addition, it seems logical that a person wearing a mask correctly and respecting distances does not need to wear an additional barrier.

In conclusion, if the visor has some advantages, the mask remains the best means of protection . Remember that since July 20, 2020, wearing a mask is compulsory in enclosed spaces in France. In addition, the government has refused to rule on wearing a mask outside, leaving the initiative to the municipalities. Since then, many cities have already made the mask mandatory outside, everywhere or only in certain streets.