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Hearing aids:an encouraging first assessment for the 100% health reform

Recently, the cabinet of the Ministry of Health communicated an initial assessment of a reform concerning the reimbursement of hearing aids. This measure allows people to benefit from full support in the event of the purchase of one of these devices. While barely more than a third of French people who need this type of device are equipped, the first results of the reform are very encouraging.

Good news for French "apparelables"

Let it be said, hearing loss can have a real impact on people's lives, their well-being and above all their health. Nevertheless, wearing a hearing aid contributes to the resolution of these problems, whether it is a reduced risk of cognitive decline , better performance at work, improved social relations or even greater independence. In addition, the latest hearing aids allow greater comfort and better sound quality, thanks in particular to progress in software.

In September 2021, the cabinet of the Ministry of Health delivered an initial assessment of the "hearing part" of its 100% health reform . Remember that the objective of this measure dating from 2019 is to fully reimburse optical, dental and hearing care. For the ministry, the first results are satisfactory, which is good news for the 3 million French people who can be "fitted". However, only 35% of them are equipped with a hearing aid.

Results beyond expectations

According to the report, the first quarter of 2021 was synonymous with an unprecedented increase purchases of hearing aids. However, this increase concerned both devices in the fully reimbursed basket and those in the free basket without reimbursement. Sales are approximately 740,000 units, an 85% increase compared to the same period in 2021. In addition, reimbursements for hearing aids represent 270 million euros, while the forecasts were more around 170 million.

Hearing aids:an encouraging first assessment for the 100% health reform

Not less than 40% of purchases of prostheses relate to devices subject to 100% reimbursement. In addition, the buyers are not only people in precarious situations since only 3% of them benefit from complementary health insurance. For the ministry, the success of the measure lies both in the relief of household finances and in the ability for people to talk about their hearing loss and ultimately equip themselves. In addition, the average price of hearing aids has fallen by 200 euros since 2019, a price now being around 1,300 euros.

Finally, a problem persists despite the good results of the measurement. Indeed, third-party payment represents a real challenge because only 56% of people having purchased a hearing aid without any remaining charge, benefited from an advance on expenses. Obviously, the department's objective was 100%. From now on, it is a question of correcting this lack and in this sense, discussions are in progress with the health professionals and the trade unions.