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The Black List of 95 Dangerous Drugs For Your Health in 2022.

The Black List of 95 Dangerous Drugs For Your Health in 2022.

Medicines are normally made to cure us...

Except that not all of them are good to take!

The very serious magazine Prescrire reminds us of this every year.

She points to 95 drugs that absolutely must be avoided.

These drugs have more negative effects than positive ones!

The analysis made by the Prescrire site is recognized as being reliable, precise and above all INDEPENDENT.

They've been working on this since 2010 and have been updating this list for 12 years.

Their conclusions do not suffer from any conflict of interest!

They objectively blacklist the most dangerous drugs in 2022.

Here is the list so you can avoid them:

The Black List of 95 Dangerous Drugs For Your Health in 2022.

  • The most well-known dangerous drugs
  • How are high-risk drugs classified?
  • Cancerology - Transplants - Hematology
  • Cardiology
  • Dermatology - Allergology
  • Diabetology - Nutrition
  • Pain - Rheumatology
  • Gastroenterology
  • Gynecology - Endocrinology
  • Infectiology
  • Neurology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Pneumology - ENT
  • Psychiatry - Addiction
  • Smoking cessation
  • Urology
  • Entries/exits compared to the 2021 ranking

The best-known dangerous drugs

We start this black list with the best known drugs.

They are commonly used and surely present in your pharmacy!

In addition to being ineffective, they can cause undesirable effects, sometimes quite serious.

Here they are:

- Dolirhume

The Black List of 95 Dangerous Drugs For Your Health in 2022.

- Actived range

The Black List of 95 Dangerous Drugs For Your Health in 2022.

- Humex Cold

The Black List of 95 Dangerous Drugs For Your Health in 2022.

- Maxilase

The Black List of 95 Dangerous Drugs For Your Health in 2022.

- Thiovalone

The Black List of 95 Dangerous Drugs For Your Health in 2022.

- Toplexil

The Black List of 95 Dangerous Drugs For Your Health in 2022.

- Biocalyptol

The Black List of 95 Dangerous Drugs For Your Health in 2022.

- Voltarene

The Black List of 95 Dangerous Drugs For Your Health in 2022.

- Smecta

The Black List of 95 Dangerous Drugs For Your Health in 2022.

- And all drugs ending in Coxid

These drugs are clearly to be avoided, says the medical journal.

The good news?

It is that these drugs can be replaced by these much more effective grandmother's remedies.

Same for those who treat sore throats.

You can use these grandmother's cough remedies instead.

They are 100% natural and much more economical.

How is the classification of risky drugs carried out?

Over the counter or on prescription, 95 drugs are currently targeted and should be avoided.

89 of them are even marketed in France.

They have indeed obtained the agreement of the AMM (Marketing Authorization).

In this case, why should we be wary of it will you tell me?

Quite simply because it presents what is called an unfavorable benefit/risk balance.

That is, they may cause more harm than good in some patients.

To help you understand what the problem is with this or that drug, the site classifies them according to 4 main principles:

- Active drugs that present significant risks compared to the expected benefits.

- Old drugs that have somehow had their day.

They are to be replaced by new drugs that provide a more advantageous benefit/risk balance.

- Recent drugs with a less favorable benefit/risk balance than older ones.

- Drugs whose effectiveness is not proven at all beyond a placebo effect and bringing undesirable effects.

All of these drugs are listed below by medical specialty.

Cancerology - Transplants - Hematology

1. Defibrotide (Defitelio)

2. Mifamurtide (Mepact)

3. Panobinostat (Farydak)

4.Trabectedin (Yondelis)

5. Vandetanib (Caprelsa)

6. Vinflunine (Javlor)


7. Alikisrene (Rasilez)

8. Bezafribrate (Befizal)

9. Ciprofibrate (lipanor or other)

10. Dronedarone (Multaq)

11. Fenofibrate (Lipanthyl or other)

12. Ivabradine (Procoralan or other)

13. Nicorandil (Ikorel or other)

14. Olmesartan (Alteis, Olmetec, Coolmetec)

15. Ranolazine (Ranexa)

16. Trimetazidine (Vastarel or other)

17. Vernakalant (Brinavess)

Dermatology - Allergology

18. Finasteride 1mg (Propecia or other)

19. Mequitazine (Primalan)

20. Pimecrolimus (Elidel)

21. Promethazine Injection (Phenergan)

22. Tacrolimus dermal (Protopic or other)

Diabetology - Nutrition

23. Alogliptin (Vipidia)

24. Bupropione + Naltrexone (Mysimba)

25. Linagliptin (Trajenta)

26. Orlistat (Xenical)

27. Pioglitazone (Actos)

28. Saxagliptin (Onglyza)

29. Sitagliptin (Januvia, Xelevia, Janumet, Velmetia)

30. Vildagliptin (Galvus)

Pain - Rheumatology

31. Aceclofenac (Cartrex)

32. Capsaisin Patches (Qutenza)

33. Celecoxib (Celebrex)

34. Colchicine + opium powder + tiemonium (Colchimax)

35. Denosumab 60mg (Prolia)

36. Diacerein (Art 50°)

37. Dicoflénac (Voltarene)

38. Etoricoxib (Arcoxia)

39. Glucosamine (Flexea)

40. Ketoprofen gel (Ketum gel)

41. Meloxicam (Mobic)

42. Oral mephesesim (Decontractyl, Decontractyl balm)

43. Methocarbamol (Lumirelax)

44. Parecoxib (Dynastat)

45. Systemic piroxicam (Feldene)

46. ​​Quinine (Hexaquine, Okimus)

47. Romosozumab (Evenity)

48. Tenoxicam (Tilcotil)

49. Thiocolchicoside (Miorel or other)


50. Obeticholic Acid (Ocaliva)

51. Diosmectite (Smecta or other)

52. Domperidone (Motilium or other)

53. Droperidol (Droleptan or other)

54. Hydrotalcite (Rennieliquo)

55. Kaolin (in combination with Gastropax and Neutroses)

56. Metopimazine (Vogalene, Vogalib)

57. Beidellitic Montmorillonite (Bedelix, and in association with Gelox)

58. Prucalopride (Resolor)

59. Glyceryl trinitrate ointment 0.4% (Rectogesic)

Gynecology - Endocrinology

60. Tibolone (Livial)

61. Ulipristal 5 mg (Esmya - not marketed in France)


62. Moxifloxacin (Izilox or other)


63. Alemtuzumab (Lemtrada)

64. Donepezil (Aricept or other)

65. Fenfluramine (Fintepla)

66. Flunarizin (Sibelium)

67. Galantamine (Reminyl or other)

68. Ginkgo biloba (Tanakan)

69. Memantine (Ebixa or other)

70. Naftidrofuryl (Naftilux or other)

71. Natalizumab (Tysabri)

72. Oxetorone (Nocertone)

73. Piracetam (Nootropyl or other)

74. Rivastigmine (Exelon or other)

75. Teriflunomide (Aubagio)

76. Tolcapone (Tasmar)


77. Idebenone (Raxone)

Pneumology - ENT

78. Alpha-Amylase (Maxilase or other)

79. Ambroxol (Muxol or other)

80. Bromhexine (Bisolvon)

81. Ephedrine (formerly Rhino Sulfuryl)

82. Inhaled Mannitol (Bronchitol)

83. Naphazoline (Dérinox)

Psychiatry - Addiction

84. Aglometry (Valdoxan or other)

85. Citalopram (Seropram or other)

86. Dapoxetine (priligy)

87. Duloxetine (Cymbalta or other)

88. Escitalopram (Seroplex or other)

89. Esketamine inhalation solution (Spravato)

90. Etifoxine (Stresam)

91. Milnacipran (Milnacipran Arrow or other)

92. Tianeptine (Stablon or other)

93. Venlafaxine (Effexor LP or other)

Smoking cessation

94. Bupropione (Zyban)


95. Pentosan polysulfate oral (Elmiron)

Entries/exits compared to the 2021 ranking

2 drugs have appeared on the 2021 list.

This is fenfluramine, marketed under the drug name Fintepla.

Used to treat childhood seizure disorders, including Dravet's disease, this drug is bad.

The site is very clear about it:

"It exposes you to more frequent status epilepticus and serious cardiovascular risks in the long term".

There is also Ulipristal 5 mg (Esmya).

So it is no longer marketed in France, but it is found in Belgium.

The opinion given by the site is also not very encouraging:

"It exposes to serious liver damage, sometimes justifying a liver transplant!".

3 drugs are off the list of drugs to be avoided.

So that we understand each other well.

They fall off the list for lack of better alternative drugs ...

"Their profile of adverse effects remains very busy" assures the Prescrire website.

These 3 drugs are:

- Glifozins, which are prescribed for type 1 and 2 diabetes, kidney and heart failure.

- Cyclosporine, for severe cases of vernal keraconjunctivitis.

- Cimetidine, used in various gastroesophageal reflux disorders.