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'Green Plants' Diet Helped Man End Migraines

A British man in his 60s has found a miracle cure for his severe migraines. Indeed, he followed a diet based on vegetables whose leaves are dark green. Despite the undeniable success of this diet for this patient, scientists cannot draw firm conclusions since only one case has been confirmed.

A strong emphasis on dark green leafy vegetables

A few weeks ago, we mentioned the fact that migraines affect no less than ten million French people, or between 12 and 15% of the population. Across the Channel, a man nevertheless seems to have found the perfect solution to stop them, as reported in a case study published in the journal BMJ Case Reports on November 18, 2021. This case is that of a sixty-year-old British photographer who wishes remain anonymous.

For more than a dozen years, the man suffered from severe migraines , between six and eight per month. However, each of these episodes could last up to 72 hours. Desperate for the lack of effect of taking medication, he traveled to New York (USA) to consult a clinic expert in healthy lifestyles. The establishment in question prescribed him a diet based on nutrient-dense plants and low in inflammatory products. In other words, a ban on eating red meat, dairy products and starchy foods.

The patient then made the choice to place a strong emphasis on dark green leafy vegetables (often in a smoothie) without forgetting to include beans, fruit and oatmeal.

 Green Plants  Diet Helped Man End Migraines

Unable to generalize conclusions

Interviewed in an article in the daily The Guardian, the man explains that he has not had a migraine for seven years and thus no longer feels like a prisoner of his own body. The doctors did not hide their surprise, especially since migraines became much rarer onlythree months after the start of the diet . For Gunter Kuhnle, expert in nutrition and food sciences at the University of Reading (United Kingdom), this is however an isolated case. The specialist believes that it is impossible to generalize the conclusions .

The expert still claims that dark green leafy vegetables contain bioactive compounds capable of to play a non-negligible role in the case of certain diseases. On the other hand, making definitive recommendations will first have to go through the implementation of more scientific work . Thus, for the moment, the regime followed by the British photographer cannot be considered a solution for all those affected by this debilitating disease for which effective treatments are lacking.