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Case Report:A Man Ripped His Lung While Masturbating

It must have been a cakewalk. In the end, nothing went as planned. A few days ago, a young man's masturbation session indeed inadvertently led him to spend almost a week in the hospital due to spontaneous pneumomediastinum.

Spontaneous pneumomediastinum is a rare condition that mainly affects young men. A sudden increase in pressure in the chest cavity then causes a tearing of certain lung membranes , allowing the air circulating in the respiratory system to escape and end up in the space in the chest located between the two lungs (the mediastinum).

Unlike secondary pneumomediastinum, which is caused by trauma, iatrogenic intervention or perforation of the esophagus, spontaneous pneumomediastinum can be triggered by violent coughing, seizures, acute asthma, excessive vomiting, strenuous exercise or a Valsalva maneuver. Extensive spontaneous pneumomediastinum is also accompanied by subcutaneous emphysema chest, neck or head.

Auto-erotic experience

As part of a study, doctors report the case of a healthy young man who developed pneumomediastinum and deep subcutaneous emphysema that appeared during masturbation .

According to the report, published in the journal Radiology Case Reports, the man went to the emergency room with throbbing chest pains and breathing difficulties . Her face was also swollen, and doctors could hear distinct crackles when breathing. His symptoms began while he was "lying in bed and masturbating “, can we read in the study.

The chest scans quickly made the diagnosis. His air sacs were also badly damaged. The doctors therefore decided to place him on oxygen in intensive care. He was also given antibiotics as a preventive measure.

Case Report:A Man Ripped His Lung While Masturbating

The man only had a background of mild asthma and denied any other known risk factors. So the doctors then incriminated his masturbation exercise . Scanning the medical literature, they found only a few cases linking this disorder to intercourse between individuals. On the other hand, it would be the first documented case associated with an auto-erotic experience.

As scary as it may sound, spontaneous pneumomediastinum is usually just a benign condition which disappears on its own without requiring specialized treatment. After a night in intensive care, the man in question was indeed transferred to a room, before being released from the hospital four days later.