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Walnuts help against stress

Walnuts help against stress

The new stress reliever? Walnuts.

Previous research has shown that walnuts lower cholesterol , but the nuts seem to do even more. For example, American scientists at Penn State University conclude that eating a handful of walnuts every day also helps against stress and high blood pressure

Wonder Walnuts
The researchers found this out by putting three groups of participants all on a different type of diet. The first group received a diet without walnuts, the second a diet with walnuts and walnut oil and the third group with walnuts and linseed oil. What turned out? The subjects who followed a diet with walnuts responded a lot better at stress † Their blood pressure was also lower than that of other participants.

It was also found that linseed oil has no effect on blood pressure , but it does help to limit inflammation in the veins.