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How to Avoid Migraines as Naturally as Possible?

How to Avoid Migraines as Naturally as Possible?

Whether you are subject to recurrent or temporary migraines, it is possible to adopt the right actions and remedies in order to avoid them or, at the very least, suffer less.

And all this, of course, at a lower cost.

Migraine is a sign your body sends you.

What is important is to understand where yours come from and know how to decipher what your body is telling you, to act accordingly.

The causes of migraines

The causes of migraines are varied, depending on our physical and psychological characteristics. But the 3 main ones are:

-Stress :it is a mental but also physical factor of migraine attacks. It puts you both in a position of anxiety and it contracts your muscles and nerves, some of which are related to the head. That's enough to bring on a migraine.

- Allergies :especially food. When the body reacts to allergies, the sinuses become congested, so the onset of sinus migraine is not far off.

- Alcohol :it is unfortunately the most recurrent factor. Alcohol consumption causes inflammation and dehydration responsible for migraines.

Now that I have detailed the reasons possible causes of your migraines, here are the preventions that I recommend.

Prevention through everyday actions

If your migraines are due to your stress, we need to work on compressing your muscles.

It exists because of bad postures that you take on a daily basis or that you take as soon as you feel that the migraine is not far away.

When your body sends you signals (contractures in the upper back and on the shoulders), have the right reflexes:

- Avoid sleeping on your stomach. This position is the worst of all and tends to tie up your muscles and nerves.

- Sit correctly:knees lower than the hips, head aligned with the pelvis. Also adopt the right posture in front of your computer. For that, the advice is here.

- Ladies, if you carry a handbag, remember to change your shoulder regularly. Does that seem unusual to you? It is not:the imbalance will accentuate the tension of your muscles.

Prevention through the mind

Don't laugh, it really works. Migraines related to stress or the adoption of bad postures are often due to a psychological problem. A worry or a little depression will accentuate the phenomenon.

- Reflect :sit quietly, in the dark if you wish, with or without (soft) music, without television. Breathe slowly and try to figure out what's bothering you right now and what may be causing these migraines. These relaxing meditation sessions will do you the greatest good. Why not try a yoga session once in a while?

- Keep a diary :write down the events that took place before your migraines, the dates, the frequencies of the attacks. Also write down the foods you may have eaten before or the activities you did. This will help you determine from where come the causes of your headaches.

Prevention through diet

The step that should not be skipped is this one. Food will be your best friend or your worst enemy. If you feel like a migraine is on your way, here's what to do:

* Foods to Avoid :

- ice cream and very cold drinks

- soft drinks

- grilled meats

- dairy products

- artificial sweeteners

- the most well-known allergens, such as peanuts, wheat or shellfish

- alcohol

- caffeine

* Favorite foods :

- good fats (olive or flaxseed oil, almonds, salmon), they have an anti-inflammatory effect that can fight the onset of evil

- garlic and onion

- drink 1.5L of water a day to avoid dehydration

- eat ungrilled, unsmoked meats

Additional tips

Your urine after the first morning should be clear almost like water. If they remain yellow it's that you're not drinking enough.

Eat at regular times to avoid drops in blood sugar, and do sports at least 3 times per week for 30 minutes (swimming, walking, cycling). If possible, also do one or two courses of magnesium chloride per year.

Here are my best and most cost-effective tips. Of course, you may have others to share with us, so here the comments.