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Breast cancer also affects men, a Frenchman testifies

Breast cancer is a disease that is generally blamed on women. And yet, it can also affect men. Every year in the world, several thousand men develop this type of cancer. Franck, a Frenchman in his forties, decided to testify to raise awareness of this disease.

Men also concerned

Lately, we mentioned the possibility that the FDA in the United States would require the addition of a prevention label on certain cheese products. According to several studies, the fats and estrogens found in certain cheeses can promote the appearance of cancer in men. On this occasion, the American CDC had mentioned the fact that 245,000 cases of breast cancer are diagnosed in the United States each year (for 40,000 deaths). However, more than 2,000 men are also affected (for 460 deaths).

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), breast cancer is the first cancer in women in the world. However, the organization does not mention the male "version" of this disease. However, while approximately 2,000 men are affected each year in the United States, more than 500 are affected in France.

Breast cancer in men is rare, accounting for 1% of all gender cases . Moreover, this same type of cancer represents only 0.5% of cancers affecting men! And yet, this misadventure happened to Franck, a 41-year-old Frenchman who testified for Le Figaro on November 1, 2019. The subject stated that he had not previously known that this disease could also affect men.

“We'll see tomorrow”

Computer scientist and father of a 5-year-old girl, Franck noticed that something was wrong in July 2019. Currently undergoing treatment, he wanted to s to express in order to make it known that men are not immune and that it is a question of being screened in case of doubt.

"One evening at home, I felt a painless lump in my left breast. At the time, I didn't worry, I thought "we'll see tomorrow". The next day, she was still there, the day after too," Franck explained.

When Franck goes to his doctor, he explains that this ball has a 99% chance of being a cyst. A mammogram was performed, revealing that it was not a cyst. Then, a biopsy was taken, revealing a cancerous tumor of 2 x 1.5 cm.

Breast cancer also affects men, a Frenchman testifies


The person concerned in particular dwelled on the length of the medical examinations , as well as waiting for results and starting treatment. For now, he is undergoing chemotherapy sessions and doctors are trying to find out if there is a genetic origin to the disease . Indeed, several members of Franck's family have died of cancer in the past. If this genetic origin is proven, Franck will probably undergo a mastectomy in order to remove her right breast, and thus eliminate the tumor.

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