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What is bad breath:definition, cause, remedy

What is bad breath:definition, cause, remedy

Many people suffer from bad breath and would like to get rid of it for good. The statistics announce that between 25 and 50% of the population would be concerned. Before coming to the remedies, here is for you the definition and the possible causes of this annoying phenomenon.

Bad breath, what you need to know

Otherwise called "halitosis", bad breath results in an unpleasant odor that is felt during exchanges of discussions or during expiration. It thus constitutes a real handicap in the relational life of the persons concerned.

In most cases, bad breath is caused by poor dental hygiene, but this is not the only possible cause. It can also be a symptom of a disease that should be detected as soon as possible. Indeed, any problem that manifests itself in the digestive system, in other words on the various organs between the mouth and the intestines, can manifest as halitosis. This is how a diseased liver can have bad breath as a precursor.

The different causes of halitosis

As mentioned above, poor oral hygiene is the primary cause of halitosis or bad breath. Bacteria can grow on the surface of the tongue or elsewhere in the mouth, causing such discomfort. Any affection in the mouth can also induce this kind of concern. Dental caries, angina and gingivitis are inevitably part of the list. However, you have to be careful since not all halitosis is due to a problem in the mouth.

It can also hide localized problems elsewhere, especially in the nose, such as sinusitis and infectious rhinitis. Bad breath can also indicate serious illnesses such as kidney failure and stomach cancer. Certain foodstuffs can also cause bad breath, such as coffee, onions or garlic. Other causes should not be overlooked either, such as stress, alcoholism and smoking.

Remedies to get rid of bad breath

What is bad breath:definition, cause, remedy

To eliminate bad breath, it is important to know the cause. If it is due to poor oral or digestive hygiene, action should be taken at these levels. You can start by brushing your teeth regularly, morning, noon and night, also using interdental brushes to remove any stubborn food residue.

You can also make mouthwashes with sage, cloves, baking soda, or parsley. Eat balanced meals and chew all the foods you eat properly before swallowing them.

Take fennel, mint or fennel herbal teas, especially when you have had a heavy meal. Chew sugar-free gum if desired. Moderate your alcohol consumption and try to quit smoking.

And above all, make an appointment with a dentist at least every year to prevent cavities or perform scaling. If the cause is a disease, only treating it can get rid of halitosis.