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The Simple and Effective Remedy for Bad Breath.

The Simple and Effective Remedy for Bad Breath.

I hate bad breath.

It's so embarrassing!

For others of course, but also for oneself...

Fortunately, there is a natural grandmother's remedy to combat bad breath.

This remedy consists of taking 1 tablespoon of honey every day.

The Simple and Effective Remedy for Bad Breath.

How to

1. Take a glass of lukewarm water.

2. Put a tablespoon of thyme honey in the glass.

3. Make it a mouthwash morning and evening.

4. Wash your teeth well after your mouthwash.


There you go, with this remedy, bad breath is over in just a few weeks :-)

Why does it work?

Often, we think we have bad breath because we don't brush our teeth enough. But this is rarely the case.

The problem is the bacteria in the mouth.

Dry mouth, dental problems or medications may be responsible.

Honey is known to have antiseptic and antibacterial properties. It therefore fights against the bacteria present in the mouth.

Provided of course that you choose a very good quality honey like this honey.

Bonus tip

Do you like the taste of cinnamon? You can add a teaspoon to the glass of water mixed with honey.

For an even more effective action, you can complete this treatment by brushing your teeth with honey toothpaste.

Your turn...

Have you tried this natural trick to fight bad breath? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!