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Respiratory allergy, a daily discomfort

Respiratory allergies can be a real handicap for people who suffer from them. In the extreme, they can lead to the total inability to leave the house. Pollution, pollen, animal hair and dust, allergens are numerous, but solutions exist to protect yourself! Professor Peter Josling, researcher in the field of natural extracts to limit infections, explains how respiratory allergies are triggered and provides an answer to mitigate their effects.

Understanding respiratory allergy

What triggers an allergic reaction ?

Professor Peter Josling :Respiratory allergies are due to different types of pollen, whether they come from trees, flowers, grass… But it can also come from dust or animal hair. Some people do not secrete enough mucus (at the level of the nose, it is the first protection of our body in relation to the air) and breathe in allergens. These then trigger an immune response corresponding to a respiratory allergy.

What are the symptoms of respiratory allergies ?

First you have a scratchy throat, then a runny nose and watery eyes. This is the body's first immune response. It is when allergens reach the lungs that breathing difficulties appear.

So, what is a respiratory allergy?

It is a chronic disease, like diabetes. You can try to control the symptoms, but you can never cure 100% of respiratory allergies .

How do doctors diagnose these respiratory allergies?

Breathing tests are performed to measure lung capacity, that is, the total volume of air that our lungs can store. This volume of exhaled air makes it possible to define whether or not there is respiratory failure, and possibly direct towards an allergic disease. Blood tests measuring certain antibodies may be ordered by doctors to confirm the diagnosis.

Not all are equal when it comes to allergic reactions!

At what ages can respiratory allergies be declared?

Respiratory allergies can start from birth. We do not know why, but some children are born with damaged vibrissae (note:the hairs located in the nostrils), which makes the nasal mucous membranes more fragile. These people will face lifelong respiratory infections because of it! It is therefore necessary to treat their allergies as a priority because their body cannot do it alone. Teenagers, pregnant women and the elderly are also susceptible to respiratory allergies.

Are some people more susceptible than others to allergies?

Yes, it is first of all young children who have problems with whiskers. Then there are some people who also have the cells in their nose that are different in size and/or shape, which can be a problem. Finally, other people produce more or less mucus than normal. When you have less mucus, you are more sensitive to allergens, since they come into contact more easily with the nasal mucosa.

Is there an increase in people affected by these allergic reactions?

Yes, seasonal allergies increase every year. All countries are affected and the number of patients is increasing. However, we cannot say why. No allergy in particular is concerned. The increase is global, it concerns all types of allergies.

Respiratory allergies:places and seasons at risk

Allergy is only in spring and summer?

The triggering factors come mainly from the environment, with pollution and pollen. The increase in allergies is one of the major problems of our modern society. The more pollen there is in the air, the greater the allergic immune responses will be in those affected. This is the case in spring and summer as these are the main flowering periods.

On the other hand, we find pollen throughout the year, but in lesser quantities. You can therefore have allergy symptoms during all seasons.

Are there places more favorable than others to an allergic reaction ?

In Europe, generally speaking, 10% to 15% of the population is affected by respiratory allergies. Pollens are everywhere, in town and in the countryside. There are pollen vigilance maps allowing you to see the areas at risk.

In the city, pollution makes people with allergies even more sensitive. But, people who live in the countryside can also suffer from it all year round, this may be the case for those who own an equestrian center and who are allergic to hay for example.

How to treat respiratory allergies?

Are there any treatments against the symptoms of respiratory allergies ?

Oral treatments are essentially antihistamines, with or without a medical prescription. They are effective but responsible for side effects such as drowsiness, fatigue, digestive problems...

There are also nasal spray and inhalation treatments that require a medical consultation

It is also advisable to clean the nasal cavities with a seawater spray or physiological serum to minimize the contact of allergens with the mucous membrane.

And does a natural solution exist?

Yes ! in addition to or as a relay for medical treatments, it is entirely possible to use the Allergyl* protection spray.

It is a nasal spray that forms a shield over the nasal mucosa, preventing contact with allergens. No contact, no allergy! It can be used even if the allergy is already there, because it increases the production of mucus, and will protect the mucous membrane as it goes, stopping the allergic process at the source. It is a 100% natural product that does not cause side effects and allows you to breathe with your full lung capacity. It can be used by young children from 18 months** and by pregnant or breastfeeding women.

* This medical device is a regulated health product which bears, under this regulation, the CE marking. Ask your pharmacist for advice. Read the instructions carefully before use.
** Use from 18 months under adult supervision.