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Take care of your body:firmness objective!

Practice a sport regularly can protect against a number of diseases (cardiovascular diseases, obesity, diabetes, etc.). But it also makes you feel good about yourself and in his head. Your silhouette becomes slimmer, your body firms up, you get into the habit of releasing endorphins, you regain flexibility... You keep up the pace, you're on the right track! However, to regain tonus and strengthen your body , it is a set of things. You also have to take the time to have fun, to relax, to rest, to take care of your skin, to eat healthy and balanced meals... To feel good about yourself and your head to be good about your sneakers!

Body care through food

Pay attention to your diet will allow your skin to firm and soften . For this, you must have the necessary intake of vitamins and nutrients on your plate. But, it is also necessary to avoid too much sugar and salt. What foods should you prioritize?

To avoid having dry skin , this is vitamin A. You can find it in eggs (the yolk), liver, carrots, pumpkins, melon or even apricots...

To strengthen your skin, essential fatty acids play an important role. In this sense, you can eat fish (salmon, tuna…), use sunflower or soybean oils…

To promote cell division , it is necessary to privilege the trace elements and mainly zinc. It will allow your skin to heal better. You will find it in seafood, meat, wheat germ, nuts, hazelnuts...

For proteins , you can favor white meats, more specifically poultry such as chicken. For fruits and vegetables, you opt for those that are fresh and in season. When it comes to drinking, water remains the most balanced and will also allow you to eliminate toxins from your body, provided you drink enough every day.

Aim for beautiful skin with firming treatments

In addition, you use creams to nourish your skin and firm it daily. For example, you choose a firming milk with argan oil that will play on the texture of the skin to allow you to regain tone and firmness. Applying a cream will also allow you to stimulate your blood circulation through massage.

Well-being and health

To relax and choose a series of treatments that will do you good, spas or cures can be a good solution. You will have the choice according to your well-being affinities and your objective for your body. You can vary the pleasures with activities such as massage jets, cold water showers, swimming pools, saunas... But you can also go for an à la carte massage session, offered by most institutes. . Finally, after a good treatment, you can drink tea or herbal tea. So why not take the opportunity to choose a drink with a specific virtue, like a herbal tea with a draining effect.

Whether for half a day or a stay, you will come out of it peaceful. Toning and relaxing your body contributes to your physical and mental well-being.

Taking care of yourself through sport

The sports is as important as diet to firm your body . The two are complementary. First of all, you must choose a sport that you like, in which you feel good and that you can practice easily. To practice a sport regularly, you must be able to do it easily near your home or your place of work. Indeed, for a sport to be effective, it is the regularity and the duration that will play, more than the intensity. Two scenarios arise.

First of all, you are someone who is not particularly sporty . You will therefore have to adapt your sports practice. If you decide to go to a sports club , ask for the advice of a coach sporty and start gently, do not overestimate your abilities. The first fifteen days may be a little difficult, but once this barrier is passed your body will get used to the effort. This will keep you motivated, it's the key to success.

Secondly, you are athletic, your body is used to physical effort and you know how the practice of the chosen sport takes place. In this case, no problem, you have the necessary motivation and know-how. That doesn't mean you can't rely on a professional to progress and improve.

Which sport to choose to firm up?

Again, the choice is yours. This choice will be made according to your abilities and your affinities. You have sports that will allow you to work all parts of your body. There are those that you can practice alone, such as swimming, cycling, walking (at least 30 minutes a day), jogging... Then, those that you can practice in a club such as yoga, pilates, riding…

At the same time, there are other sports that will require a little more physical commitment such as combat sports, team sports (basketball, volleyball, handball, etc.), racket sports (tennis, squash, badminton, etc.), bodybuilding, cardio-training…

Always keep a notion of fun in the sport you choose.

Take care of yourself by taking the time

After all these efforts, it is also necessary to rest . Take the time to read a book, watch a movie... Ultimately, take the time to sit in an environment that allows you to relax .

And when we talk about relaxing, we are not far from falling asleep. The sleep is crucial for the balance of your body and by extension for your skin . When you sleep:your tissues repair themselves, blood pressure drops, your body secretes hormones that help the immune system defend itself against infections, your blood sugar levels are regulated, you idle and you conserve your energy… Researchers Americans have even shown that the less you sleep the more your body mass index (BMI) rises. Sleep would thus allow our body to fight against obesity!