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The benefits of practicing yoga daily

Yoga is one of the most popular physical activities and is a much more common and respected practice that focuses on the physical and mental well-being of practitioners. There are several benefits of daily yoga, namely:

Improves flexibility, strength and posture

Daily yoga practice will facilitate the stretching and strengthening of your body muscles. Popular poses, like the plank, will work to strengthen your arms, legs, shoulders and abs at the same time. You don't have to be super flexible to practice yoga, the beauty of yoga is that it can be practiced at all levels.

Yoga strengthens your immune system

Any form of exercise is great for keeping the immune system healthy. With yogas twisting, inverting, bending back and calming, the body is able to spend more time in the parasympathetic nervous system and less time in the sympathetic nervous system.

You can reduce chronic pain

Chronic, ever-present pain is not something to ignore. It can seriously impair your quality of life, and research shows it can even lead to depression. But multiple studies have shown that yoga is an extremely effective treatment, especially for people who suffer from chronic low back pain.

Develops our social health

Social health is that ability to be happy inside and to make others happy. It means caring for and communicating with other people in the society, speculating about responsibilities within a society and also working for the community. Social health is also the ability to relax and experience life in all its beauty. Yoga helps develop social health by relaxing our minds.