Ah, spring! Birdsong, flowering trees and... allergies.
Yes, for some spring, and part of summer, are synonymous with headaches, puffy eyes, runny nose and so on.
Here are some tips and tricks to spend this season of intense pollination more serenely.
To begin with, protect yourself from allergens by wearing glasses and a hat, remembering to close your car windows, because pollen circulates in the air and settles on everything.
So, don't forget to wash your hands regularly and, above all, resist this furious urge to rub your eyes!
Prefer to dry your laundry inside and, if you are really addicted to gardening, wear a mask to protect yourself. It is better to avoid walks in the countryside, to favor the seaside where the pollen is less present.
If we've been in contact , rinse your hair thoroughly. Pollen is very volatile, and it settles everywhere very easily. For example from your hair to your pillows when you go to bed, I let you imagine the result when you wake up!
An effective remedy is to rinse the nasal passages with a salt water solution. There are sprayers ready for this job in pharmacies and drugstores, but at comment-économie.fr we prefer to do it yourself, it's very simple and it costs almost nothing!
Put 1 pinch of sea salt in a small glass of mineral water, mix so that the crystals are completely dissolved. Use this solution as an enema for the nose, inhaling the water gently.
This will rinse and rid our nasal cavities of the pollens that will have lodged there. To be repeated 3 times a day and each time you step outside.
Some people even use healing stones to treat allergies, but if your crisis persists, it is better to consult your doctor who will provide the appropriate care and be reimbursed by social security.
If the allergic episode is repeated every year, it is wiser to consider desensitization by an allergist. It's a bit long, but it works! And especially if it allows us to get rid of our allergies for life, why deprive ourselves of it?
Spring allergies are numerous and sometimes really disabling, but above all they often occur during exam periods. So, if you are a student, have the right prevention reflexes.