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Positive thinking:it is cultivated on a daily basis!

Positive thinking:it is cultivated on a daily basis!

Do you tend to see the glass half empty? Are the Covid-19 restrictions weighing you down? How about letting yourself be overwhelmed by positive thinking? A way of life in its own right, positive psychology is attracting more and more followers who want to see life in pink, despite the ambient gloom. Need for change ? Let us guide you!

Positive thinking:explanations of the concept

The principle of positive thinking

Often compared to the Coué method, positive thinking goes further. The first advocates conscious autosuggestion (repeating "I'm going to do it", "I'm better", even if it's not the case). For some, it is more a denial of reality and a policy of the ostrich than a genuine desire to take matters into their own hands. Pronouncing the same positive sentence twenty times in a row so that the brain prints it does not necessarily reflect a real desire to get better.

Positive thinking, on the other hand, places the subject in concrete action:I want to get better so I will do whatever it takes to make it happen. For example, it is effective to repeat to yourself "I will get there", "I will succeed in my life", but it is also important to give yourself the means to get there through concrete actions on a daily basis.

This is why positive thinking relies more on practical advice. It's up to you!

Positive thinking, where does it come from?

American pastor, speaker and author, Norman Vincent Peale is considered one of the founders of the concept of positive thinking. With his book The Power of Positive Thinking published in 1952, it initiated a veritable pseudo-scientific movement throughout the world. Based on key principles and concrete examples, he gives us his method to see life on the bright side and overcome the obstacles that hinder our happiness. When do we start?

What if happiness was a choice?

According to scientific experts, 40% of our happiness depends entirely on ourselves[1]. A figure that only highlights the importance of cultivating positive thinking on a daily basis to be happier!

The benefits of positive thinking

Positive thinking has many benefits for our mental and physical health:ideal in the midst of a pandemic, right? What are the benefits of opting for optimistic reflections?

A stronger immune system

Oxidative stress weakens the body. Overstretched, the cells are weakened and naturally fight external aggressions less well. To be healthier, start by seeing the bright side of life!

A protected cardiovascular system

Positive thinkers have healthier hearts. The reason ? Chronic stress increases arterial and blood pressure, leading to the onset of cardiovascular diseases.

Better stress management

In the presence of a distressing situation, the adrenal glands produce the stress hormones in large quantities:cortisol and adrenaline. The more these glands are solicited, the more they will become sensitive and will begin to produce these hormones at the slightest annoyance.

Better sleep as a result

When you manage to relax at the psychic level, the brain secretes melatonin and serotonin, the hormones of sleep and well-being:restorative sleep is yours!

Happiness found

No secret to taste happiness, everything happens at the level of neurotransmitters:the more you adopt positive thoughts, the more you secrete the hormones of happiness (endorphins and dopamine) and the happier you are!

A healthy mind in a healthy body

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Positive thinking:7 days to act!

  • Day 1:We compliment each other

List your strengths and congratulate your successes. Can't find any? But if ! Even small victories count:a thank you email from a satisfied customer, a DIY made by your little hands...

  • Day 2:we disconnect

Clear your mind and disconnect from everyday life. Everyone has their own method:meditation, relaxing bath, cardiac coherence. Being relaxed allows you to focus on the positive and move forward serenely towards the future.

  • Day 3:We start an inspiring book

Personal development books or biographies of personalities with a strong background. Our recommendations ? The Four Toltec Agreements by Miguel Ruiz and Becoming by Michelle Obama.

  • Day 4:We practice a sports activity

Sport clears the mind and triggers the secretion of endorphins. Opt for a fun sport to get the most out of it. Don't have access to the gym? A walk or some exercise in nature will also fill your lungs with fresh air! To exercise at home, think of the 7 minutes and Nike training club apps which even offer yoga sessions, who says better?

  • Day 5:Mentally visualizing positive images

Happy memories, happy projects, peaceful places... Positive visualizations allow you to be transported to a precise moment of happiness and fullness felt before to continue to reap the benefits in the present.

  • Day 6:We list the little pleasures of the day.

A smile exchanged in the street, a gourmet pastry swallowed, a pleasure purchase without guilt... Happiness is everywhere for whoever wants to see it:ideal for reboosting! Your goal:list at least 4 a day.

  • Day 7:Talk to a positive person

Surround yourself with caring people who will lift you up:a friend who listens, a colleague you can count on, a family member who is always ready to support you... Choose a person in your entourage who boosts your morale and have a Zoom chat with her!

3 think positive apps you should know about

A little slack? Think positively everywhere, all the time, and from your smartphone:download the Smylife, Positive thoughts and Motivation and positive thinking apps to see things on the bright side!

Are you ready to embrace positive thinking? Now that you have all the cards in hand, you have no more excuses to be depressed! To be happy, consider cultivating your positive thoughts on a daily basis for maximum long-term benefits.

111Dr. Sonja Lyubomirsky, professor of psychology at the University of California-Riverside in her book The How oh Happiness .