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How to stimulate your memory on a daily basis?

How to stimulate your memory on a daily basis?

Is your memory still playing tricks on you? Take matters into your own hands! Especially since there are a multitude of activities and exercises that can stimulate our memory and preserve it for as long as possible.

How does our memory work?

Our memory is our ability to retain and recall memories and things associated with them. Our memory stores a lot of information and restores it. There are several types of memories:

  • Immediate memory :we keep information for a very limited period.
  • Short-term memory :it is the recent episodes that are concerned. We memorize information for a few minutes at most.
  • Long-term memory :this memory allows us to store old information and have long-term memories.

How to recognize the first signs of memory loss?

Are you constantly losing your items? Can't remember some past events? Forgot your last appointments? Can't remember your own phone number? These first signs of memory problems should alert you. While some memory lapses are completely benign, others may be harbingers of more significant memory loss.

To preserve our memory from possible disorders, we must train and stimulate our brain. Like any other muscle, to keep it toned, some exercises are necessary.

How to prevent memory problems?

Exercise: regular exercise helps stimulate your brain as well as keep your body toned. Indeed, physical activity allows you to oxygenate your brain. Sport reduces stress, which can be responsible for a lack of concentration and memory problems.

Quality sleep: when you sleep, your brain stores all the information of the day and consolidates your memory. Restorative sleep is therefore essential to combat memory loss.

Keep an active social life: have a drink with a friend, go see an exhibition with your grandchildren, go to the cinema with your son, invite your friends to lunch… Keep an active social life to maintain your brain. Social connection also helps to fight against stress, depression and isolation.

Foods That Boost Memory

Do you know that certain foods are good for our memory? Yes, by including them in your balanced diet, you preserve your memory and your brain. Here are 8 foods to eat to boost your memory:

  • Fatty fish:herring, eel, tuna, and salmon.
  • Dried fruits and oilseeds:almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, berries, etc.
  • Chocolate:preferably dark.
  • Offals:black pudding, liver, kidneys, etc.
  • Starches:bread, rice, pasta, etc.Eggs.
  • Oysters. Water.

Boost your memory with daily exercises

  • Read regularly

Do you like to immerse yourself in a good thriller? This is an excellent thing. Regular reading stimulates memory. To follow the story well, your brain stores information. The more you read, the more you work on this ability.

  • Train your memory in a fun way
    Play scrabble, bridge, chess, cards, small bin, etc. Do arrow words, crosswords, sudokus, memory games, etc. Play as soon as possible with your spouse, alone, or even with your grandchildren.
  • Opt for apps on smartphone or tablet

There are many apps to train your memory on a daily basis. You can for example download Cerebrum , Memory Matches 2 , iMimic Says , Peak , Scrabble or Coach Memory .

  • Sing along
    Put on your favorite music and sing the lyrics.
  • Develop a new talent

Learn a new activity:sewing, painting, crocheting, pottery, etc.

  • Keep the social link

Sign up on social media to chat, follow your family, etc.

Memory problems are common as you get older. To preserve your memory, it is essential to keep an active and social life to stimulate your brain on a daily basis. Do not hesitate to train with your grandchildren to spend a moment of pure fun while doing good for your brain. What better way to keep your brain healthy?