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Solutions for good nasal hygiene on a daily basis

While nasal hygiene is a usual gesture in babies, it is often neglected once the child grows up. Dr Lamblin, ENT, explains the importance of good nasal hygiene, including in adults.

The main interest of nasal hygiene is the prevention of nasopharyngeal infections, but it also brings benefits in terms of respiratory comfort for patients by improving breathing and olfaction.

In polluted cities nasal washing improves comfort, prevention of inflammatory reactions whether allergic or purely inflammatory.

How and how often to perform effective nasal cleansing?

Nasal hygiene is practiced with a saline solution. The frequency depends on the pathology of the patient. It is recommended to wash your nose morning and evening. Adapted sea salt water sprayers allow patients daily washing which is convenient and quick.

Should you wash your nose if you have no pathology, cold or allergy?

Nasal washing is not mandatory but it is an attitude that is recommended in large cities where pollution and particles are sources of discomfort.

What are the consequences of poor nasal hygiene?

If the patient does not have a declared infection, the consequences of poor nasal washing will be discomfort and an increased risk of infection.

When the patient already has a nasopharyngeal infection, there is a definite benefit to his comfort when he practices nasal washing:easier breathing and ENT pathology which improves more quickly.