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4 Unexpected Exercises to be more Zen on a Daily basis!

4 Unexpected Exercises to be more Zen on a Daily basis!

Everyday life is reassuring but it is also heavy.

I found ways to make a few short escapes so that I could then better find myself, recharge my batteries, and be able to leave, in great shape.

Here are zen exercises within everyone's reach to clear their heads and put dreams in their lives...

4 Unexpected Exercises to be more Zen on a Daily basis!

We need permanent energy to ensure everyday life :metro, work, sleep, children, meals, etc.

And at the same time we feel stuck in the routine, sometimes very boring . Come on, some tips to recharge your batteries and unload the negative!

To do lists

And yes, it seems stupidly academic, but it works:I make the list of what I want to get rid of, objects or dark thoughts. It's a great way to put things at bay and empty yourself inside. My burdens once laid down on paper are much less intrusive. Weird but effective.

Singing out loud

Whether in a choir or alone at the top of your lungs to an opera tune in the shower, singing promotes better breathing , which is itself the secret of a general relaxation and better circulation.

It fills your head and gives you a kind of energy, as if you were transforming into someone else. I scream old Beatles songs or The International while doing the dishes, and life seems more beautiful to me.

Contemplating the sky

The night is even better, and the best is when I'm in the country and see the stars. Facing the immensity of the sky opens the doors of the imagination and gives me a keener awareness of belonging to a limitless universe. And now, I become a poet...

Go to an unknown place

The Dalai Lama said, "Once a year, go somewhere you've never been". And more zen than him, huh...

So I follow his advice, which doesn't necessarily mean flying to India or Patagonia, but simply taking unknown paths , introduce something new into my life, change my route or enter a place I didn't know... A beautiful escape, in short.

These are my solutions for escaping everyday life when I find it too dull, but you surely have others. Do not hesitate to indicate them in your comments, and say if mine were useful to you.