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Conference:food, an ally of the heart

Conference:food, an ally of the heart

Is our diet friend or foe to our heart? It has been proven that food balance (or imbalance) has a strong impact on heart health and more generally that of our cardiovascular circuit.

Contrary to popular belief, it is not a question of restricting or forcing oneself to deprive oneself of such foods or to force oneself to eat such others. It is above all long-term habits that have a lasting influence on cardiovascular risks.

Mutuelle Mieux-Etre suggests you attend the webinar "Making food an ally of your heart" to learn about the components of a balanced diet that contribute to heart health. It is also an opportunity to discover or deepen certain dietary advice to help you adopt good habits on a daily basis.

Register in one click for our free videoconference, Thursday, April 8, 2021 from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

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