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Daily Vitamin D for Babies:How to Get It Naturally?

Daily Vitamin D for Babies:How to Get It Naturally?

We all need Vitamin D.

And we must give it every day to our children, even infants.

Rather than resorting to pharmaceutical supplements, let's learn how to find them naturally.

The importance of vitamin D

Monitoring the vitamin D intake of our children is essential. Why ? Vitamin D is essential for the development of our bones and skeleton.

Indeed, vitamins D make it possible to fix calcium on the bones. It is she who is responsible for the growth of our babies and children.

Vitamin D also slows down aging and even helps prevent cancer.

Drops, why be wary of them?

It was common for our children to be prescribed drops as a vitamin D supplement. But these famous drops have recently been called into question because of the presence of saccharins, sorbic acid or glycerol, which are not recommended for our organism, to say the least.

Under these conditions, it is quite natural to want to find other alternatives for our toddlers. There are certain baby milks which contain it, but again these are synthetic vitamins .

Instead, let's skip the drops and get vitamin D where it's found naturally.

My best vitamin D friend:the sun

Daily Vitamin D for Babies:How to Get It Naturally?

The vitamin D we need, we find it for 80% in the rays of the sun. Getting outdoors as often as possible is important to benefit from these vitamins D regularly. Know that even when it's a little gray outside, some rays are still present behind the clouds to bring you the vitamin D you need.

Vitamin D is also hiding in certain foods. Find out in which foods to find them to fill up on vitamin D easily.

Fish, your vitamin D ally

Daily Vitamin D for Babies:How to Get It Naturally?

Our parents, grandparents, took a spoon cod liver oil every morning . If our ancestors took this oil, it is because vitamin D is naturally present in certain fish, mainly :

- Salmon,

- mackerel,

- sardines.

We need a fish diet at least 3 times a week (it can be ground for babies).

Good fats, eggs and liver

Daily Vitamin D for Babies:How to Get It Naturally?

Vitamin D is also found in lesser amounts in

- the margarine and the butter

- the eggs (from 12 months yellow, 18 months white)

- and the veal liver .

In summary

If you do not wish to give synthetic vitamins to your children, I can only encourage you.

Personally, I rely on food that I have just described to you, but above all, I take the whole little family out EVERY DAY. 1/4 hour exposure daily face / forearm is worth every drop in the world to me...

And you, how do you manage your children's vitamin D intake? I await your good ideas and your reactions in the comments.