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7 Detox Tips to Be on Top After the Holidays.

7 Detox Tips to Be on Top After the Holidays.

After the holidays we're all the same, we really feel the need to regain health.

Meals that are too rich, evenings that are a little too drunk and sometimes a lack of sleep...

It's time to quickly take control of our bodies.

7 Detox Tips to Be on Top After the Holidays.

To help you easily, here are 7 detox tips that will simplify your life and allow you to start the new year in great shape!

1. I favor seasonal fruits and vegetables to cleanse my body

7 Detox Tips to Be on Top After the Holidays.

Nothing like a healthy diet to find your line and help you cleanse your body. Plus, seasonal fruits and vegetables are packed with vitamin C.

2. I drink a lot of water to rehydrate

7 Detox Tips to Be on Top After the Holidays.

Drinking at least 10 glasses of water a day is essential to rehydrate your body. In a few days you will already feel much better!

3. I sleep as much as possible to regain my tone

7 Detox Tips to Be on Top After the Holidays.

Getting as much sleep as possible is essential for your body to recover from those nights cut short by the holidays. Give him that restful rest as soon as you can.

Find these 3 complete tips here.

4. I take care of my skin to revitalize it

7 Detox Tips to Be on Top After the Holidays.

Abuse during parties, pollution or even cold, my skin needs to be rejuvenated more than ever. To be beautiful inside and out, I make homemade detox masks.

Find the detox mask recipe here.

5. I abuse ginger herbal teas to purify myself

7 Detox Tips to Be on Top After the Holidays.

Yes, ginger has more than one trick up its sleeve! If it is known to have aphrodisiac virtues, it is also, drunk in herbal tea, an excellent purifier. An ideal ally after the holidays! If you don't have ginger tea, we recommend this one which is excellent.

Find the full recipe here.

6. I do 10 min of sport a day to eliminate

7 Detox Tips to Be on Top After the Holidays.

Certainly, the ideal would be to do it before the holidays... but hey, we can always catch up afterwards! 10 minutes of simple exercises to do at home will make you feel much lighter.

Find these daily exercises here.

7. I concoct special detox menus to be on top

7 Detox Tips to Be on Top After the Holidays.

There's no secret to getting back in shape after the gargantuan meals at the end of the year:you have to follow a small detox diet for a few days.

Find here the typical menu of a detox day.