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Tips to get outside more in the winter!

Autumn is in full swing. The days are shorter, darker and colder – and some people are starting to get winter depression. You may be more tired than usual, less active or unmotivated, that's what winter does to you. But it's no time to binge watch TV shows and wait for spring to arrive! You have to get up and take action to feel better and enjoy the beauty this period has to offer. We have 20 tips here to go outside more in the winter!

Make it a habit
Make spending time outside part of your routine. It's what you do before or after breakfast or when you get home from work.

Bike more, ride less
You will burn fat, it will cost nothing, and you will feel more energetic when you arrive where you are going.

Go out in small amounts
Take a short walk during your lunch break or spend some time in your backyard or on your patio before, during or after a meal.

Combine chores, exercise and spending time outdoors by doing your shopping on foot instead of driving.

Read a book outside
You can read anywhere, so why not take your book (or e-reader) outside and read on the grass or on a bench?

Visit a park
You don't need a reason to go to a park. So find one you like and go for a walk.

Train outside
If exercise is your thing, moving your workout from the inside out can make a big difference to your health and well-being. Run around or take your yoga mat outside.

Work outside
If you have freedom or flexibility in your work, grab your laptop and work outside the home.

Lunch in a green space
If you can't take your work outside, try to spend your lunch break in a park or under the nearest tree.

Include an outdoor hobby Surf, run, wildlife photography, start a garden, and more. Nowadays you can turn any hobby into an outdoor hobby.

Have a picnic
Most people only picnic in the spring and summer, but you can always have a picnic, regardless of the season. Whether in your backyard or a park.

Plan a camping trip
Camping is fun and it is also possible in winter. With this you leave the hustle and bustle of everyday life for what it is and you connect with nature.

Go for a walk with a dog
It doesn't even have to be your own dog, but if you occasionally walk with a dog, you will be happy with a walk.

Take a kid to the playground
Even if you don't have a child of your own, take a child whose parents you know well and go to the playground.

Join a sports team
Whether it's a football club, a volleyball club or an athletics club, joining a sports team has so many benefits. You move, make social contacts and you are outside.

Explore the city by bike
Whether you're in your own familiar city or opting for a new one, take the time to explore the city on two wheels.

Go gardening
The easiest way to get out is to stay in your own backyard. Whether you have green fingers or not, starting a garden is simple.

Drink coffee, tea or hot chocolate outside
In the morning, take your hot drink outside and sit down. It warms you up while enjoying the benefits of contact with nature.

Try something new
You feel more like going outside when you're not stuck in a boring routine. Try something new in the great outdoors, and you'll love it.

Explore your neighborhood
Take a walk around the neighborhood. This is another way to keep it simple while you're outside. You can try new routes every time, looking for things you hadn't noticed before.

It can be challenging to go outside in the winter, provided you have the right clothes and accessories. Did you feel like going out after reading the article? Then take a look at where you will find everything for the perfect outdoor experience.