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Tips for staying healthy and active while traveling

At home it is usually easier to stay fit and healthy because we get into a routine. But what happens to the routine when you go on vacation? Do you leave that sporty and healthy lifestyle at home or do you try to keep what you have achieved so far? With these 5 tips you can stay healthy and active on holiday.

1. Choose healthy food
One of the best things about going on vacation is that you don't have to cook. But eating out doesn't mean choosing the unhealthy options. There is plenty of choice on the menus of the different restaurants, make sure to take your healthiest option. You can still have a few treats, but limit your alcohol, sugar and fat intake as much as possible.

2. Provide fun and active activities
There are always fun and active activities to do on holiday. Take a bike ride through the mountains, go surfing on the local beach or take long walks around town. Doing something active is a great way to see your vacation destination, you might even find yourself ending up in places you wouldn't normally visit.

3. Choose a hotel with a fitness room
To make it easier on yourself, you can of course book a hotel with a fitness room. This way you can train whenever you feel like it. And since you're on vacation, you don't have to worry about finding time to exercise, you have all day. All you need is a 30 minute workout a day to maintain your health.

4. Take food with you for the road
If you're worried about getting your 3 meals and healthy snacks, pack food for the road. This way you will never go hungry and make sure you are not tempted to eat unhealthy food.

5. Count calories
If you really want to stay healthy during your vacation, you can count the calories. You sometimes have to improvise if you don't know exactly what's in your food, but apps could help you. Sticking to your required calorie intake is a surefire way to maintain your weight while on vacation. However, it can get quite annoying.