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Tips against mosquitoes; the best tips and what works or doesn't work against mosquitoes

Do you also suffer from mosquitoes and mosquito bites? The season has already started with us, so I've updated this collection with the best tips against mosquitoes. There are all kinds of tips for combating mosquitoes, but not everything works. In addition, it is also true that some products work well to keep mosquitoes away, but are not really very healthy. Those are not my favorite. Sometimes you can't avoid it, but I prefer to opt for other more environmentally friendly solutions against mosquitoes.

Anyway, the mosquitoes are already present in abundance with us. Sitting outside in the evening is already a challenge with all those mosquitoes in the garden and it will probably not be long before we are also stung at night. By the way, you come across the craziest tips against mosquitoes against the internet, but what works and what doesn't? Do you have any idea how you can sleep comfortably without mosquitoes and what to do against a mosquito bite?

Update:April 2020

Table of Contents

Tips against mosquitoes; what can you do to keep mosquitoes away?

Did you know that only female mosquitoes bite? These are already available again in abundance, to drive you crazy! Maybe we are already bothered by it because of the pond and the trees in the area, that's possible. For us, it is important that we tackle the fight against mosquitoes properly and keep them away, because not only we ourselves are awakened by the mosquitoes. The children also wake us up because we have to hunt mosquitoes in their bedroom. So it's time for the best tips against mosquitoes. On to a good night's sleep without that annoying buzzing!

These tips work great against mosquitoes anyway

As indicated, many tips are given against mosquitoes. Hence the distinction between the tips that (proven) do work against the mosquitoes and the tips that you find that we know for sure that they do not work. There are enough myths going around to keep mosquitoes away and I have also used a number of them for years without success. This really works:

  1. Electric fly swatter (we have our own, works great)
  2. Horren (we don't have screens in our new house yet, so we're going to look again)
  3. Get rid of all standing water (this is where the mosquitoes lay their eggs), even a clogged gutter or bucket with a layer of water in it can be enough for mosquitoes to reproduce.
  4. This electric flycatcher also works against mosquitoes, we have it in the kitchen and I am very happy with it
  5. Mosquito net (I personally find it annoying)
  6. Ordinary fly swatter

Why an electric flycatcher against mosquitoes?

With an electric flycatcher (the number 4, an excellent tip against mosquitoes) you are ahead of the mosquito problem. Hunting in the middle of the night with a sleepy head and an electric fly swatter is not good for my morning mood, I've noticed. Even if it works perfectly, you still have to get out of bed with it. He is one of the better tips against mosquitoes, but not the best. So we have an electric flycatcher that catches a considerable part of the mosquitoes and flies in the house every day. Although this is in the kitchen and not in the bedroom, there is a chance that we will also buy one for that, they are that nice.

But there are also other solutions so we will continue with our lists so that you can sit outside longer and sleep better without the mosquitoes!

All kinds of other tips against mosquitoes

There are all kinds of tips against mosquitoes in circulation, you can not think of it so crazy that someone has tried it and has an opinion about it. From best tips against mosquitoes in home, garden and kitchen remedies form to markers and sprays. And from natural solutions to very simple tricks and tips against mosquitoes. We have listed quite a few for you.

  1. Home, garden and kitchen remedies
  2. Pens, sprays and the like
  3. Natural products and tips against mosquitoes
  4. Simple, effective ways against mosquitoes
  5. Craziest tips against mosquitoes

1. Home, garden and kitchen remedies, tips against mosquitoes

Incense, lemon, onion, cloves, garlic, basil ... it should help against the mosquitoes. Also vinegar, lavender and tea tree oil are used. Whether it all works is open to question, but if it doesn't bathe, it won't do any harm. These are all tips that you can try without being harmful to anything, so why not?

tip:The lavender oil is worth a try. Easy to make yourself:mix 2 tablespoons of olive oil with 30 drops of lavender oil and spread! Got 3 mosquitoes, uhhh flies, in one fell swoop. You smell good, the mosquito hates it and your skin is well cared for!

2. Markers, sprays and the like

The anti-mosquito plug is also part of the tips against mosquitoes † Personally I don't have a particularly good experience with this, do you? You have them with sound, but there are few positive experiences about that anyway. You also have the plug with scent release. I personally hate all those stench markers and scent plugs. It all feels very unhealthy. But there is still stuff that really works.

DEET works fine for many people, for example. However, I don't use it myself because I find it too chemical. Also, it doesn't work for everyone. I don't think applying chemical stuff on your body, or inhaling it, is the best option for myself and certainly not for the children. But if you don't have anything better to hand… then this stuff often works.

⇒ You can buy DEET at the drugstore in your own city or online.

A natural mosquito repellent is of course better for yourself and for the environment. We also previously reviewed Squitos, that also works properly!

Squitos are small stickers that you stick near your bed. The product has been specially developed for babies and children and is 100% natural, so I find it very pleasant to work with. The stickers protect against mosquitoes for up to 72 hours and are also provided with all kinds of nice animal pictures. Highly recommended and you can buy them online here.

3. Natural tips against mosquitoes

  • Mosquito net † If there's one thing I find annoying sleeping, it's the mosquito net. If you also turn a bit in your sleep, then the mosquito net is not recommended in my opinion, but there are people who swear by it. Make sure that it is in any case very finely meshed!
  • Spiders † Sure… we all know that spiders are good against pests… then you just have to choose between 2 evils when it comes to beasts in your bedroom.
  • Dog † You won't believe it, but I think this is a great tip! By the way, not for the bedroom, because our dog is not allowed there. But a cozy evening watching TV on the couch – with your dog – works great against mosquitoes. And that chattering with his mouth and strange behavior with his tongue is also fun entertainment 😉 .
  • Screens † one of the better tips against mosquitoes, flies and those large dragonflies that we sometimes had inside are of course 'just' screen doors! Now I am allergic to those old screen doors from the past, but nowadays you also have very nice pleated screen doors that are -besides beautiful- also very practical. Something with #betterpreventthanhealing
  • Vitamin B † seems to affect your smell so that the mosquitoes don't like you so much anymore. Take a tablet every day!

Tip:If you are looking for a good mosquito net against mosquitoes, take a look at this one, it gets very good reviews!

4. Simple tips against mosquitoes that you may not have thought of

  • Airco / fan † we don't have air conditioning in the house, but our Dyson fan that runs at full speed in high summer. The cooler air movement keeps mosquitoes away. We do turn it on with a timer. If the fan eventually switches off… there is a chance that already present mosquitoes will come near you again. But to at least fall asleep, this trick works great for us! And otherwise we'll turn it on again in the middle of the night against the mosquitoes.
  • Remove standing water † in our case that is a bit difficult, since we have a fairly wide ditch and large pond behind the garden. But in any case, make sure you 'remove' the standing water in your garden. You may not close a pond so quickly, but empty your flower pots, buckets and anything else that has a layer of water. The mosquitoes lay their eggs here as indicated and before you know it you have your own mosquito farm! A pump in your pond also works to keep the water moving.

This does not work against mosquitoes

There are also plenty of 'solutions' that do not work against mosquitoes. I will list a few for you below, which you may also know yourself, but which really do not offer any help against mosquito control.

  1. Burning incense; This may smell nice, but it doesn't work. The special anti-mosquito incense has not yet been proven effective against mosquitoes.
  2. Letting out the light; a myth from the past that - as long as you don't turn on the lights - you are less bothered by mosquitoes. However, none of this is true. Mosquitoes are attracted to your body heat and body odor and whether it is light or not, they don't care. Did you know that mosquitoes can 'detect' you from about 20 meters away?
  3. Using certain perfumes to disguise your scent will unfortunately also not work against these annoying insects. As mentioned, mosquitoes are attracted to your body odor, which is caused by the bacteria you carry. Because of this, one smells really different from the other and mosquitoes have their preference in terms of air. However, perfume is not enough to change your body smell for the mosquito. But maybe good for the people around you 😉 .

The craziest tips against mosquitoes that we don't know if they work

During my search I also came across some tips against mosquitoes that made my mouth open in surprise.

  1. Joint smoking; never tried it myself, but I think I smoke out my kids faster than the mosquitoes 😉 .
  2. Beer and walnuts; Drinking beer (more than 3 glasses I've read) and eating walnuts would be mosquito repellent. The big advantage… after a little more than 3 glasses of beer, you no longer notice the mosquito yourself. It is a pity that this is not claimed for wine!
  3. Stroking toothpaste on the places where your veins are close under the skin should help. I'm going to try this one myself.

Anyway, in the first instance I will at least look for screens for windows and doors as a prevention system and then wallow like a princess in the lavender oil, see if I am 2-0 ahead in my fight against mosquitoes !

Plants that keep the mosquitoes away

Plants are another natural way to keep mosquitoes away. There are a number of plants that are known to be effective against mosquitoes, so these should not be missing from these tips:

  1. Rosemary (also nice to cook with 😉 )
  2. Marigolds (Calendula)
  3. Catnip
  4. Lemongrass (also great for cooking)
  5. Mint (also put some of it in your tea, it's delicious)