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Change your health insurance? That is not possible at any time!

Do you want to change your health insurance? Keep in mind that this is not possible at all times of the year. In the past I had it in my head that you would have to change or adjust your health insurance before the end of the year (December 31) whenever you want. But that turns out not to be the case.

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When can you change your health insurance?

There are also a number of health insurers that give you until the end of January to adjust your health insurance. It is therefore good to have a clear idea in advance when you have to make any changes, so that you do not have to stress. If you want to move to another health insurer, you are often tied to that date. If you only want to make some adjustments to your insurance, you can sometimes do that in the interim.

Change health-insurer

Sometimes switching health insurers can be really cheaper, so it is quite good to inquire annually - when you want to change your health insurance - with the various health insurers. Or to look at comparison sites to see what health insurance can mean for you.

It is true that you really have to tailor the (new) health insurance to your own situation. Every health insurance policy has its advantages and disadvantages compared to certain situations, so don't be influenced only by a friend who indicates that you have cheaper insurance elsewhere. It may just be that the insurance in question is not a good fit for your situation.


Do you only want to make some adjustments to your own health insurance because your situation changes? In that case, this can sometimes be passed on and adjusted in the meantime.

For example, health insurer De Friesland has the option in certain cases to increase your supplementary insurance in the event of pregnancy and childbirth in the same calendar year. This can be done with retroactive effect for the entire calendar year.

And there are also insurance policies where you can switch modules on and off during the year for extra additions to your insurance. Super handy!

You must pay attention to the following changes in your situation

If your own situation (or that of your co-insured children) changes, you should always 'check' in your head whether and when you need to change your health insurance. For example:

  • Pregnancy
  • If your children are ready for braces or something similar
  • On the birth of a child
  • When your children leave home
  • If you are going to live together or get married
  • When you retire
  • In the event of the death of a partner or a child

If you move house or lose your job, it can also be a good idea to at least check your health insurance. Perhaps nothing materially changes for your insurance, but you never know. Just put it on your to-do list.

Situations when-you-can-also-change-your-healthcare-insurance in the interim

There are a number of moments in your life when you do have the option to change health insurance in the interim, you can read below when that is:

  • If you move to the Netherlands from abroad
  • If your own health insurance adjusts the conditions itself
  • On coming of age (18th birthday)
  • If you change job and because you were collectively insured with your old employer, but want to switch to the collective insurance of your new employer.

There are people who switch annually

There are plenty of people who go through all the insurance policies every year and switch every year in order to be as cheap as possible. You can, of course, and there's nothing wrong with that. We don't do that ourselves. We have made changes a number of times regarding braces for the oldest and the like, but otherwise we are very satisfied with our health insurer. And that's worth something.

For example, with the skiing accident with Lotte, we were helped so very well by our insurance that there is no need for us to change. But who knows, maybe you would like to switch and there is nothing wrong with that. In any case, make sure you know what you're getting into.

Do you want to know when you can change your health insurance at the latest? Check out this article from the Consumers' Association.