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10 ingredients that should not be missing in your smoothie

10 ingredients that should not be missing in your smoothie

Smoothies are extremely healthy. With the right ingredients, they are full of vitamins, fiber and minerals that give you energy and satisfy hunger. But which ingredients are good for what?

Peanut butter

A tablespoon of peanut butter makes you feel full for a long time and makes your smoothie nice and creamy. The unsaturated fats in peanut butter also lower your cholesterol!

Read also: '3x vitamin bomb:recipes for green smoothies'

Spinach or kale

These leaves are full of magnesium, iron and protein. A handful keeps your hair, skin and bones healthy and is good for your blood pressure.

Raw cocoa

Cocoa powder is not only tasty, but also protects your nerves and reduces the risk of heart disease.


An avocado contains a lot of healthy fats, vitamin C, fiber and vitamin E. Just like peanut butter, the avocado also ensures a longer feeling of satiety.


Lemon in your smoothie strengthens your immune system, clears your body of waste products and repairs the skin.

Chia seeds

Chia seeds make your smoothie thick and add a bomb of protein. It also ensures a better passage of the bowel movements.

Almond milk

Unsweetened almond milk is one of the healthiest versions of milk. It contains fiber, zinc, iron and calcium that are healthy for your bones and muscles.


A pumpkin will add a sweet twist to your smoothie. A pumpkin contains few calories and is good for digestion. The orange pumpkin is full of beta-carotene, which your body converts to vitamin A. Boil the pumpkin before you put it in the blender, so it is easier to blend!


Coconut milk, coconut water or coconut oil in your smoothie ensure a good absorption of the nutrients from vegetables and fruit.

Frozen berries

Fruit not only makes your smoothie nice and sweet, but berries also contain antioxidants that break down harmful substances. In addition, frozen fruit also makes for a nice cool smoothie!

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