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More quality time in the morning

More quality time in the morning

Dutch families want more quality time in the morning, 69 percent of families are even short on time during the week. This is apparent from research by TNS NIPO on behalf of breakfast specialist Kellogg's.

The study focused on the morning rituals and breakfast habits of Dutch families. The survey found that 69 percent of families are short on time in the morning. For quality time things such as an extensive breakfast or reading the newspaper often no time left in the morning.

For families with young children (up to and including the age of twelve), the time constraint in the morning is even more common. Main reasons are the lodge from the children or yourself get up too late † Of those surveyed who snooze de the alarm clock 63 percent turn off the alarm clock more than once. Despite the lack of time, people do not give up on breakfast:80 percent of families have breakfast every weekday.

A hasty breakfast seems to be the rule rather than the exception, the average time to prepare a breakfast is ten minutes. Half of the surveyed families work away breakfast in no more than nine minutes

Often breakfast is combined with other activities, such as reading, watching TV, or preparing breakfast or lunch for others. Only 16 percent do not combine breakfast with other activities. A quiet, shared breakfast so often falls for it. This while breakfast is one of the favorite morning activities for both parents and children.

That will be the alarm clock fifteen minutes earlier † Maybe start when the winter time starts soon?