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#lakdoor; help Tijn for a machine against brain stem cancer

Tijn became known in December 2016 with his 'Paint on' action in The Glass House of 3FM Serious Request † He then raised more than 2.5 million euros for the treatment of children in Africa with pneumonia. Now that he doesn't have long to live himself, he wants to take one last action for children who, like him, are battling brain stem cancer. His goal? Raising 1 million euros for the Semmy Foundation, so that they can bring a machine to the Netherlands with which children with brain stem cancer can be treated. Join the #lakdoor campaign

#lakdoor for Tijn and Semmy

Despite the fact that unfortunately he can no longer be helped, Tijn shows what people like him are capable of. Watch the video.. moving!

It is a groundbreaking treatment method for children with brain stem cancer. By buying Tijn's nail polish, you help fundraiser Stichting Semmy to bring a device to the Netherlands that can treat previously incurably ill patients. This requires at least 1 million euros. The nail polish can be ordered from May 30 for a tenner at Tijn calls on the whole of the Netherlands:#lakdoor!

What a bet

I find it unbelievable that this boy is committed with all his heart to give other children another chance. Every year, about 10 children in the Netherlands, like Tijn, are affected by brain stem cancer, or Diffuse Intrinsic Pons Glioma (DIPG). In these children, regular chemotherapy is blocked by the blood-brain barrier, so that drugs cannot reach the tumor properly.

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Doctor Dannis van Vuurden, Tijn's attending physician, is a pediatric oncologist at VUmc and a specialist in this field. “One of the biggest problems in treatment is that drugs that work well in the laboratory do not reach the tumor. With 1 million euros, the robot can be purchased and maintained and several children with DIPG can be treated in a treatment study.

Tijn's nail polish; #lakdoor Tijn

Tijn wants to help children who, like him, are battling brain stem cancer. That is why Tijn started his own nail polish line in 4 of his favorite colors; pink, blue, purple and red. All proceeds go to the Semmy Foundation. The target? Raise at least 1 million euros, so that the foundation can bring a new treatment method to the Netherlands, which makes CED ('convection-enhanced delivery') possible. This way, children like Tijn do have a chance.

Are you participating in #lakdoor? Here you can buy a jar!