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The best bedtimes for children and adults in a row!

“To bed, to bed” said Thumbs up… “. First I want to fold laundry, check and answer e-mails, prepare lunch boxes and a lot more of that sort of thing” said likkepot. Recognizable? Then it is probably also recognizable to you that you are not always well rested in the morning. The best bedtimes for children and adults to go to bed… that's what research has been done. And I can tell you… you probably won't make it 😉 .

I certainly don't anyway. The evenings are productive, relaxed and above all über sacred for me. All the ideas that I have collected and kept in my head during the day for the most peaceful moment of the day may finally come true. And I'm going to work through them one by one and tick them off in my overcrowded brain. Good idea? Or should I crawl under my duvet on time every day so that I can get back to work fresh and fruity the next day? Dilemma!!!

And what about my children? They also try to stretch their bedtimes!

Table of contents

What are the best bedtimes for children and adults

Everyone needs a good night's sleep to be ready for the next day. Of course, it is different for everyone how much sleep you really need. One has 'enough' at 6 hours a night and the other must have at least 8 behind his teeth to be fit again in the morning. For babies and small children it is different than for adults of course. However, research has been done and a general guideline can be given for bedtimes for children and adults.

Tip:Problems sleeping because of mosquitoes? Use Squitos, we like it a lot!

Bed times for children

Every parent wonders what the best bedtimes are for children and especially for their own offspring. Of course, this time shifts as children get older and it is completely different for little ones because they still sleep during the day. And the longer that afternoon nap lasts… the later it will be bedtime in the evening.

To develop a good sleep rhythm, a fixed bedtime and a fixed time to get up are actually very important. Of course you can play truant once in a while, but going to bed too often and too late means that children run risks in terms of their development. In addition, buying a good children's pillow is also very important.

There are of course averages and the table below gives you a nice guideline for the bedtimes for children.

Age Bedtime 5 years19:006 years19:157 years19:308 years19:459 years20:0010 years20:3011-12 years21:0013-14 years21:3015-16 years22:0017-18 years22:30from 18 years22:30-23:00

However, there are also studies that indicate that these bedtimes for children do not always work for older children. They seem to perform better if they sleep a little less than indicated above. How much sleep a child needs can therefore always be viewed individually.

Bed times for adults

But what is the best time for adults to go to bed? An hour or twelve, maybe one hour if you ask me!? Messing around (haying as we call it) and chatting and making sure everything is ready for tomorrow. Gym bag check, lunch box check, drinking cups check, school bags check, folding laundry check, writing articles check, showering check, reading and answering emails in between check and before you know it the clock is ticking at midnight.

Shittt… failed again! The best time to go to bed is… don't be scared… 10pm!! I don't know who came up with it, but that's when my night starts! But that's not all, it has been thought that sleeping from 10 pm to 6 am is the best advice for you. Then you wake up rested, you are as productive as I am all day long and you are bursting with energy. Well that sounds pretty good I must say. Even your hair and skin will be super happy! Hmmm…

Do's and Don'ts before bedtime

What you should not do before going to sleep

  • Drinking coffee just before going to sleep
  • Going to bed with a busy and full head
  • Looking on your phone or television right before going to bed
  • Keep windows closed
  • Plenty nightwear on
  • Take a power nap during the day
  • Making significant physical exertion just before you go to sleep

What stimulates a healthy night's sleep

  • Ventilate the bedroom by opening windows
  • A nice and good mattress and pillow
  • Small walk before going to sleep
  • Drink a cup of healthy night's sleep tea
  • Sufficient physical activity during the day (sports)
  • Read a few pages from a book
  • Dark room without sound
  • Warm bath/shower with lavender before going to sleep
  • Airy nightwear

I put it to the test

I have to say that I've been pretty successful lately in getting to bed by 10pm, sometimes even earlier. It shouldn't get any crazier! But I do notice that I wake up (even) more energetic and rested. Now try to keep up! Of course, the need for sleep varies from person to person. While one person needs eight hours of sleep a night, the other may need five hours. In addition, it depends on several factors. Age, type of work, any complaints you have, et cetera.

More information about sleeping can be found here.

The most important thing is that you feel rested, energetic and, above all, comfortable in your own skin. Enjoy your night's sleep 😉 .

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